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Grrrrrrr8 Day On The Georges 17/10


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Ahh, wonderful ...a Saturday off, a mate to go fishing with, a new rig to try out, a scheduled get together with Jewgaffer and Little Jewgaffer....Pity 'bout the bloody wind, but you can't have everything :wacko:

anyway day started with a call with Jewgaffer and a promise to meet up and he'd show me some tricks....

Lookin Goood!

Pop down to the local tackle shop to top up on the SPs Walk in the door and he's got a sale on and as always willing to talk turkey, whilst he's toting up the damage on the Gulps and heads, I start browsing the rod racks and find something thats better than fairy floss ha ha for an old fisho...

He's got a Fireblood 4000 combo on special... so nice, so smoooooooth, so beautiful......so expensive.

I resist the temptation and say I will think about it, pop over to the GFs for a coffee and tell her about the sale, well she tells me she owes me a BD and Xmas pressie ... I think about it and she says "do it or I'll get angry!"

Well what can I do fight the girlfriend or go in and buy a dream outfit???

What would you guys do?

Well anyway after all the delays, Ralphie and I put the boat in at Oatley, just in time to make still water under the Como bridge, Few casts there and nothing showing on the sounder, heaps of boats and noone with a bent rod...move on.

Went up to jewfish point to bash the hole and the pontoons there, did 3 drifts, but the wind was blowing us so fast we had trouble getting the SPs to sink. Time to move on again.

Had arranged to meet Jewgaffer at the Revesby ramp and help him put his boat in there (you guys should see that thing...so jealous!) So we headed upriver and to kill some time, thought we'd try the flats opposite the ramp for a flattie or 2, well the @##@$%^& wind blew us straight agross the river and the PWC riders gave us hell, really peaceful way to spend some quiet time flicking SPs on a Saturday afternoon......NOT.

Flicked a few casts around the flats at the entrance to little saltpan...nuthin! Might have had something to do with a dozen PWCs screaming round the place or the V8 skiboats chucking doughnuts 30 feet away.

No sign of Jewgaffer so moved over to cattle duffers and there is bait schools jumping woohoo, some action at last. We switch over to a couple of vx40s to get a bit more cast distance as didn;t want to spook thing with the boat..we don't have an electric.

Second cast Ralphie has a slight malfunction the lure screams downwind, the bailarm flips back, the vx40 stops in mid air.... and comes flying back, zips past my ear, stops in mid air again.... comes screaming back and lodges

In my bloody chin!

All hell breaks loose R is cursing his reel and still not knowing what happened, I grin and bear it and tell him to stop waving his rod around as I am attached.

Just then the phone rings, Its Jewgaffer. I tell him we won't be a moment, get hold of raphies rod tip and pull out the pliers, get Ralph to cut the hook that was fully embedded off the lure and pull the other hook out. Motor the boat over to the ramp and meet up... he's owed me a cuppa since last week, but he says "I think I should take you to the hospital!"

He drops me at casualty and offers to wait...what a good man, but the docs say they want to do an XRay and this is going to take some time. I ask Jewgaffer to take my car keys down to Ralph at the boat so he can take the boat back to Oatley, trailer it and come and get me.

Well JG gives R the keys, R take off for Oatley.. I talk to Ralph on the phone ..all under control, I go back to waiting....

Hour or so later the phone rings.... R.."have you got a spare set of car keys?"

Finally get out of the hospital about 9:30... Bloody local and tetanus shot hurt more than the hook...GF gives me a lift back to Oatley.

Well we've spent today pulling the floor out of the boat, cause no amount of searching turned up the keys amonst our gear, I am happy to report that it was a worthwhile exercise as we found some corrosion under the floor that needed to be fixed... but still no keys.. must have gone overboard on the way back.

Jewgaffer didn't get to put his boat in, we didn't get to learn the "tricks"

All in all nothin to report~

Edited by jewdreamer
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You're sure looked injured yesterday afternoon Chris and I'm glad to hear you pulled thru ok, although I had some fun getting myself and the boat out of the casualty department because of all the inmates in dressing gowns feeding the birds :D ..... When you arrived at the boat ramp, I was almost inclined to light up that black trebble shank that was hanging out of your chin as by your expression it looked like you were a chain smoker desperately in need of a smoke :1yikes::biggrin2:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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It was interesting to note that, rather than have me drive him to the hospital with the boat in tow and wait a while or take the now missing key and the now missing trailor lock back to Revesby wharf so that Ralph could take their boat back to Oatley, Chris was so keen to continue fishing to escape the injections and I am sure we both would have agreed that the gap in his face had sealed and the rest of the trebble hanging out of his chin would eventually find a way to rust out had we finally settled in for the jew session with Ralph in tow.... :D


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

Edited by jewgaffer
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Great read mate ... I had the theme from Benny Hill running through my head as I was reading your tale of mischief and mayhem :biggrin2: Hope the chin is healing ok! I've often said I have had a shocker on the water, but your's take the cake. Best wishes for a MUCH better session next time



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Hi Guys, just thought I'd add a little update.

Only spare key for the car is with a mate who's moved to QLD.

Called him yesterday to ask him to post it down.

He says, "you wont belive this, I lost my key ring last week.."

Talk about not being able to take a trick!

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