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Squid Jigs And Snap Clips


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Is using snap clips for squid jigs any good? Does it affect the way the jig swims? Is it better if I tie the jig directly on the leader? Any help would be great.

Cheers Joe :1fishing1:

Hi Joe you could try a quick change snap clip on a few squid jigs and swim them first to find out whether the action of the snap on clip improves the swim and sink action of the particular squid jig, just like you would when checking on whether to allow for loop length in a hardbody or whether it's best to tie it hard up but note how either one sinks back down particularly see if the squid jig falls horizontally...you can also use a squid jig as a drop shot weight on the bottom of a two hook bait jig to catch yellowtail while you're fishing for squid, particularly if you are fishing in weed beds close to a jetty and it's usually a case of catch a few of one and the other's not there...


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Sound advice from Jewgaffer there.

I personally never use clips on my squid jigs anymore. Sometimes when i'm lazy and there is already a snap swivel on my line i will just clip the jig on, but not on most occasions.

I squid in shallow water and use small, light yo-zuris and yamashitas. These jigs are finely balanced and a snap swivel can really make the jig start to nose-dive. In deeper water and with bigger jigs this may not be a problem but i try maximise the hangtime of my jigs on the descent so no more clips for me.

If you have some really small, light-weight clips you could try them. Convenient for quickly swapping jigs and colours. Also since squid don't pull very hard, there should be no worry of the small snaps coming undone.

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I use them, in place of a loop knot, to allow the jig to dart freely when jigged, and I feel it just makes life easier when changing jigs. Only thing is I think that the egg style of clips are better than the standard clips some use for hardbodies. They have a higher load rating for the same size.

I wouldn't think a 0.5 gram clip will affect a jigs action, or diving speed. If you are after a slower sink rate, buy a slow diving model. Yamashita have a cool range. Just look for SEN on standard jigs, or choose a "Shallow" Naory model. The blue eyes denote the slow sinking models. I wouldn't cut lead off the weight, it will affect the sink angle, which is said to be important for the jig to entice the squid.....

The Japanese Yamashita boys were in town recently, and offered heaps of advice to us on all things squid related. They also use clips....



Edited by bigpat
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