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OK guys well here is the set of questions

I am in need of advice on:

An extremely stiff 1-2kg or 1-3kg rod it needs to be extremely stiff and preferably between 6'-6'6"

at the moment i am looking at the carrot sticks in the 2-6lb but it is fairly thick for such a light rod

money is not so much an issue will look at spending up to 350 dollars i am greatly of the opinion buy good buy once

the next question is i am looking for a small spooled ultra finesse reel i am currently looking at daiwa steez 2004 but am open to suggestions i will be running 2lb fluorocarbon straight through any other idea on the reels as a guide I'm working off a reel that holds less than 120m of 4lb

finally your top 3 lures atm this question is more just of curiosity and as a bit of a question of opinion my top 3 would be

rebel crawler in orange and green

bass days crystal popper in the crystal colour

rmg scorpion 35 in black and silver with red stripes

anyway guys opinions away

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"""Hi bass_beginner

Might help if you tell us what you are planning to catch with this gear & lures

Cheers John"""

ill assume its a bream stick

for me reel wise its a 1000 stradic c14 much lighter and cheaper to boot than a twinpower but no spare spool

and a pflueger supreme they have a couple of sticks in 1-3kg range

total should be close to 650

thats my opinion any how

Edited by hooklineandsinker
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sorry i figured most people would click a 1-2 or 1-3kg stick is gonna be a bream gear

yes the stradic is a lot cheaper and im looking at it as an option however im leaning toward the arc finesse twinpower as it is designed for fishing lines such as 2lb fluro and 4lb varivas casting

and the supreme is to soft i want something that is fairly stiff preferably without having to go for a custom built ian miller or the like ive at the presnet got 1-3 and 2-4 kg sticks coming out my ears but i need sumthing extremely stiff in that range and unfortunately custom built or bright orange carrot stick seem the go

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What do you mean by 'extremely stiff'... what sort of lures and location are you going to be using the rod for? If you're going to be fishing 2lb flouorocarbon through to the lure, I would have thought you might want a slightly softer, more forgiving blank, to protect your light line.

It's going to be hard to find any rod in the 1-3kg class that's 'stiff'... although it's all relative. There's nothing that says you can't run 2lb line over a 2-4 or 2-5kg rod though if you really want something with more guts.

Cheers, Slinky

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most of what it will be throwing is things like rebel poppers and rebel crawlers and smaller r2s bubble pops and baby vibs it needs to be fairly stiff as even with the 2lb line i want the abbility to glide the fish out of snages rather than the medalist which has way to much give

its interesting that u bring that up iceman its something ive been considering the other thing im looking at is going for something heavier so thats what hes running it on im considering the 1-2 kg nitro as an option but 500 for my second string rod well i dunno but i am considering using a 2-4kg starlo stick as my second choice option just unsure how it would match up to a 1000 luvias or 1000 twinpower arc finesse which is what ill run on it

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