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North Head And Long Reef 24/10/09

delta hbar

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Hi Raiders,

Launched at Rose Bay and headed over to for some livies. Just as we pulled up MT, Lord Rapala, the the team show up. They manage a couple of squid, we just focus on the livies. After getting about 6, we decide to head off.

At North head there are about 10 boats chasing the massive salmon schools around. So we jump in too. Jon manages to hook one and it takes him ages to get it in on the 8lb braid. We jump in again only to lose the next 2.

So we decide off to Longy. On the first drift, we manage a mowie, a trevor and 2 keeper snapper. On the second drift drift, another keeper snapper and a keeper flatty.

We see some more bust ups so we are off again to chase them. Hook up one and have the 8lb screaming off the reel.... turn to chase with the boat only to lose the fish after a few minutes... Great fun but not many fish landed this way,

All in all a great day on the water.


Edited by delta hbar
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Understand your skepticism Warren. I didn't catch the smaller ones and I had to measure them myself, not that I didn't trust my mate but as the saying goes, all fishermen are liars.... except you and me.

I know I left the last bit out but you get the point.

As long as they are in the bounds of the rules, I can't tell the guys to throw them back.

Working on getting back out there again, chasing the salmon schools are an exciting way to fish....

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