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Sydney Harbour This Friday Arvo


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Gday raiders,

I am going to try out sydney harbour this friday arvo with my newly serviced boat and a mate and want to know some good spots to check out and baits to use at the spots?

Im useless at squiding so no squid tips thanks...lol

Im most likely to use some plastics and pillies.

Cheers, Alan.

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sorry brother... im not the most experienced in the harbour, but since no one else has said anything, i'll have a go lol..

try the wedding cakes... theres 2 of them... they're not hard to find... they look like wedding cakes.. i fish plastics around the cakes... heaps of trevally...

around north head theres heaps of sambo's around... look for groups of birds and fish breaking the surface... use metal slices if you got any... they decent sizes so dont go too light.. you muight come across some bonito there aswell.. troll around for the bonnies...

you could also try off balmoral... i got some keeper kings there before... i used live yakkas on a paternoster rig..

hope this helps a little bit...

good luck


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So i hit up the harbour this afternoon and tryed just off Hmas Watson?? Caught about 20 juvie snapper between my mate and i and got one keeper bream that i decided to let go and 2 trevally that went 40cm for the biggest and about 35 for the smaller one.

Was playing them on 8lb line and it was mighty fun!! Using just the usual prawns for bait with a running sinker rig and 20lb leader of about a metre long.

Cant believe how choppy the harbour got about 4pm, and then out came all the windcatchers made things interesting navigating back to rose bay.

Anyway, had a fun one. Seeyas out there.

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