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Trailer Boat/outboard Sabotaged


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Had my outboard sabotaged during the week. They cut a section out of the the power trim cabling.


Heard third hand a reference to a newsparper article about someone doing this, for whatever reason, to trailer boats on the northern beaches. Anyone else heard anything or had similar experience. Police didnt know anything but I reported it.

Would like to get to the bottom of it. If it is just a digruntled neighbour, as I suspect it is, I can deal with by talking to them ALL and possibly parking it somewhere else.

Any info would be appreciated.



PS Gave em an excuse to get the canoe out on Sunday. Caught and released 2 rats in Middle Habour.

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Mate, I hope you find the mongrels responsible even better if you have a baseball bat handy at the time.

My neighbours keep showning their annoyance with the boat by using it as their bin, drink cans & lolly wrappers are a constant, even with the cover on. Yet they are only too happy to take extra fish from a good catch.

Hope you don't get done for too much cash.

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sorry to hear about your boat Dave. that realy sux, it all comes under the jelousey act u got yhey want..hope u find out who it is

hey fishdrought u got neighbours like mine doesen it give u the sh-ts

cheers john

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Guys be careful who you pin the blame on, I had a 21ft Marlin that was used a a refuse for every tom dick and harry that walked past. Even tore my controls off the cabin, but my neighbours were always the first to call when something happend. Parking boats on streets is a huge subject and I can only suggest befriending those around your area, everyone loves a fresh feed.

Goodlick, Tobe

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Hey Dave I agree with Tobe, good idea to give a couple of fish to the neighbours especially the nosey ones as their more likely to know if any close neighbour is touching your boat & with any luck will tell you. Hope the rest of the year is good for you.

Regards Jeff

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Thanks for all the replies, sympathies, suggestions and well wishes.

Jeff and Tobe, I couldn't agree more about getting as friendly as possible with the neighbours (third of the way there). And I'm certainly not out to make enemies by accusing or pinning it on anyone, I just don't want any more problems. In any event it could have been a random act of vandalism, albeit very specific. Now I just need to get it fixed and catch some fish to give away to said naighbours.



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It's not a copper cable is it? I was chatting to a guy who was cutting the power cables off electrical equipment at council clean up. He told me it was to recycle the copper wiring as it was worth quite a bit as scap. I wasn't sure if he was being fair dinkum at the time.

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