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Mates And Bad Luck


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We all have mates that we tend to fish with most weekends. I'm no different and an absolute blackfish fanatic, but sometimes you play russian roulette organising days out with certain individuals. My mate Kev, or Axe to his closest friends, is one such person. To say Axe can have a bit of bad luck when it comes to the weather conditions is like saying the titanic took a bit of water. In actually fact, for years Axe was just simply known as Cyclone. No further proof is needed than the weekend just past. Usual phone calls on Friday and Axe decides he's not happy with the swell and wind forcasts and he's gonna give the rocks a miss on Saturday but will probably head out on the Sunday. So Steve, Kenny and I join up, hit the rocks on the southside with conditions ideal, as we expected. High tide, not too much swell and the wind behind us. Probably haven't seen the nigs so thick and agressive as Saturday. End result that in about 3 hours or so we hit the half century, a lot went back. Even a couple of a...hole divers who got a little close didn't put the fish off. A great morning. Axe is now as keen as to get amongst them on the Sunday so organise to catch up. To say that Axe and the weather don't exchange Xmas cards is pretty spot on. 6.30 on Sunday morning and conditions look ideal, not a breath of wind. Axe rings telling me he's on his way and when i get close to our spot, gee, is that a southerly blowing. 15-20 knots southeaster, seas have flattened and conditions very very ordinary. How does he do it? This is getting way past coincedence. We persisted but were lucky to get 6 between us. Still, we'll be out there again next weekend so if any of you are making plans as to what day might be the best, by all means contact me and I'll give you the thumbs up as to which day(s) the Axe WON'T BE FISHING.

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