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Ray And Hutch Hit Foresters Reefs

Ray R

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Hi Raiders, well after seeing last weeks effort, Hutcho was champing at the bit to get out

there and into some of these little hard fighting kings.

We set off from Terrigal and zoomed up to Forries, chucked out the teaser and within a

few mins Hutch was into his first rat for the day, I hauled in the teaser and had a throw

myself, a couple of cranks and I'm on too, Hutch and I get the little beasts to boat, pop

out the plastics and return them to the briney, Hutch was stoked, so we did again and

again, this is so much fun.

Hutch took the sounding duties for a while and I let a plastic bounce around at the back

of the boat 20m away, only took 30 seconds of trolling and Hutch calls to be at the ready,

5 seconds after his call a big explosion hit my plastic, I'm on and mate what a sight to see,

the follow, the sniff and then the explosive strike, another little fella comes in and released.

Then Hutch has a go, the same again, I see the fish on the sounder and I give Hutch the call

and he's on, I had just turned around in time to see the fish smash his plastic, he battles the

king to the boat and this one seems a little bit bigger, so we measure him but he was still a

cm short, doesn't matter though the fishing is the good part.

We then took a quick blast up to Crackneck, maybe find a little red or something but we

didn't find any, I did find a very unusual flathead looking beastie, he took my plastic and

at first I thought it was a Baker, never seen one of these things before, an Armoured Flathead,

pretty sure that's what it is, he was snapped and returned.

So now the wind is well and truly up and we are bouncing around like a bobby cork but we still

manged a few more trolls and score some more little rats as we passed the Foresters reefs.

What a fun morning we had, back at Terrigal ramp by 11:30am, what a great little session.

Anyway that's it for now, I can still see those kings attacking the surface plastics, what a buzz...







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Good stuff Ray, you guys seems to have the places up ur way pretty well sorted!!!

That Flatty looks like some thing of of Alien Vs Predetor hahahaha

top effort and well done on the fishies!!!!!!



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Good stuff Ray, you guys seems to have the places up ur way pretty well sorted!!!

That Flatty looks like some thing of of Alien Vs Predetor hahahaha

top effort and well done on the fishies!!!!!!



Great report and good to hear the kingies are still around up there..

Brave man putting your fingers in that gob I would have snipped him off! Great shot of the eye you must have some neat camera gear.

Ahhh not fishing today is killing me I seriously dont think I am going to be able to make it from Monday to Friday ........

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The chaps I went there with last Sunday Hamish and Jerryn were out there again today as well,

they were there a bit later than us and I just recieved an email from them with a pic attached of

Jerryn's king, 94cm caught on a popper..What a beauty..


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Blah Blah blah. Sore arms didims!!!!

Fairdinkum you've got to catch sea monsters to show off. Just wait till Jan/Feb. Chappo and I' ll show you how its done.

But, wow I've never hear of one of them before. Good day out guys well done, AGAIN.

Ray, I suggested to Chappo and Hutch an arvo/night/morning

"Fish Off" some time late Jan, most probably early Feb. Get your diaries out and we'll get it happening.

Sea Monster, Huh.


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nice work Ray

how did the new reel go ?

i too got stuck into the kings on the weekend a big school of rats with some monsters mixed in

catching them on live yakkas and metal slices tried sluggos but couldnt get them to hit it they would just follow

forget to try out a big poppa might have to take a RDO and get out there again and try the popper

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nice work Ray

how did the new reel go ?

i too got stuck into the kings on the weekend a big school of rats with some monsters mixed in

catching them on live yakkas and metal slices tried sluggos but couldnt get them to hit it they would just follow

forget to try out a big poppa might have to take a RDO and get out there again and try the popper

Yeah I used it with an X-Rap about 30 m behind the boat but still only got smashed by the rats.

And yes I'm gonna try a popper next time .

The reel was very nice , overkill for what it caught though..

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Thanks for Sunday a great session in quick time. Plenty of fish and I think you beat me by 18 -v- 17. The best fun was watching the sounder, finding the fish and then calling it and bang your on!!! We will just have to find those bigger ones so I can bring something back to the table.

Regards, Hutcho

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