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Motor Not Spitting Out Water


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Hi guys,

Today I went from windsor to lower portland, some areas were a bit dirty or im not sure if i blocked the motor with sand when i beached it. Probaly more the case. I realised when I got home to flush it out there wasn't much water at all coming out, in fact a trickle. Should I just pull that hose out and blow it out/flush it out with water? Is that all I need to do?

What else could it be? The engine didn't over heat at all. And it was at the boat ramp that I actually beached it, so I'm not sure if maybe then I blocked it.

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More then likey the case..

It happened to my little yammy last week !

Just do what you said just pull out the hose in the motor and blow air out of it it should do the trick :)

Even easier - The smallest part in the line is usually at the outlet where the water jets out.. Crap gets stuck here. Poke it with a rivet or a nail.. something fine that fits. I've done this plenty of times on yam and honda 4s always works.

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Cool, I'll try it today!

But if its blocked at the end of the line, is there anyway it could be blocked somewhere along before it even reaches that outlet? Could that be possible? Like somewhere internal hard to reach? If so is there anyway to get it unblocked?

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Mate, when was the last time you replaced your impellor?

Might be an idea if you haven't done that for a while, It's all very well sticking nails etc into telltale hoses, but if your impeller is buggered then you will definately cook your motor eventually.

It pays to properly investigate any problem with outboards very thoroughly before you set off on another adventure on the water-------just in case.

Just my thoughts on this matter.


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