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Danny Green Wins


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None of the local establishments were showing it and I didnt get around to travelling. Sounds like I missed a good one, for Green anyway.

Jones is 40 and no doubt would have flogged him ten years ago but good on Green anyway.

Maybe a Mundine/Green battle could be on the cards again or he could fight Bob Mirovic for the Oz heavyweight he's only 43.


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Although the first punch, the long left into the chest was at the end of its power and appears to be more of the push, it may have triggered a nerve or something as Jones appeared to be reeling badly. Full credit to Danny Green, he deserves the benefit of the doubt and perhaps Jones thought it would be less painful in the long run to be on his way to the cashiers office and into a restaurant a split second before Green's clip in the ear took affect, I know I would


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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I did however enjoy the light weight fight VERQUAN KIMBROUGH vs WILL TOMLINSON

now that was a fight and the one after that was not bad too



I agree,Will Tomlinson looks like one to watch out for, especially If his reord continues how its going now.

11 fights - 10 wins - 10ko's - 1 draw.


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UFC is insane.. real brutal stuff haha.


UFC is boring especially with all those crappy wrestling techniques Muay Thai now thats a real sport anyways to the real point gotta give it to danny green even though jones is definately not in his prime green is no spring chicken either hes 36 and still going pretty strong. Im going to go to the mundine fight and support a local boy THE DEADLY ROBERT MEDLEY seen a few of his fights live and if medley goes as well as ive seen him before mundine is in for a tough fight

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