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Fishing To Rescue


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Went out yesterday at 4.30 chasing tailor and maybe a few rats anyway find the birds working at cast metal slugs and after about 2 hours i was thinking of calling it quits because of the change coming in.

I had caught stacks of tailor already so as i was packing up i noticed a sailing boat had tipped over, i went over to see if everything was alright and they said that they would like a tow to the nearest dolphin. I got one of their ropes and started to pull the boat in, it was difficult with my 2 stroke 15 horse and the wind anyway as we tie them to the dolphin we tried pulling them over no use. A fellow fisherman in a very nice 540 Stacer and a big 60 horse also had a try but also didn't do to much. In the end the water police had to be called

No one was hurt in this and everyone got home safely, the boat wasn't flipped over and as far as i know it is still tied to a dolphin.

And this is actually youngfish, posted accidentally on a mates account


Edited by mightyjew
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Went out yesterday at 4.30 chasing tailor and maybe a few rats anyway find the birds working at cast metal slugs and after about 2 hours i was thinking of calling it quits because of the change coming in.

I had caught stacks of tailor already so as i was packing up i noticed a sailing boat had tipped over, i went over to see if everything was alright and they said that they would like a tow to the nearest dolphin. I got one of their ropes and started to pull the boat in, it was difficult with my 2 stroke 15 horse and the wind anyway as we tie them to the dolphin we tried pulling them over no use. A fellow fisherman in a very nice 540 Stacer and a big 60 horse also had a try but also didn't do to much. In the end the water police had to be called

No one was hurt in this and everyone got home safely, the boat wasn't flipped over and as far as i know it is still tied to a dolphin.

And this is actually youngfish, posted accidentally on a mates account


Good on you for helping out dude, the more people like you on the water the better place it will be for everyone, always good to see fellow boaties helping each other out.

Cheer, Tobe

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When I just started 2 month ago I ..

..rescued two youngsters in a 1,5 m dinghy on a very very very rainy day (got wet to the undies) but "rescued" them

..gave a "lift" to the boatramp to some guys without fuel

... stopped 2 kids in a small inflatable to be blown away from their parents sitting in a $$$$$$$$$$$$ boat

yep, and I just love it :biggrin2:

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