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Hawksbury Jew 12/12/09


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Hi Guys

First report, Been reading so many great reports thought I'll contribute for once.

After doing some reaearch on catching jews and some great advice from Tide&Knots.

We head to the Hawksbury, during the night, there was nothing but eels and catfish, So damm annoying.

When sunlight came, we grabbed some squids from Cowan creek area and headed to Juno, on the way there we saw tailors busting the surface and 1 boat was chasing them. We tide on the metal chrome lures as quick as we can and launch at them. It was great fun but they were all under size all went back. We had enough fun, it was side tracking us from our mission to catch Jews.

At Juno Nothing was biting our fresh quality quids, later we tried looking for kings near lion island or around the lighthouse but found some tiny flatheads, nothing much outside the heads, just a rock cod and an undersize snapper . I wonder if there are any kings in the lion island area? Where are the kings around that area?

Later on we motored back inside the river and caught some mullets and poddy mullets and whiting, tried for Jews again, waiting and waiting and nothing was interested in the live bait. Kinda lost faith in the fish live baits. By then the tide was coming in real quick , current was strong and there was an eddy around the pilon under the railway bridge. Remembered Tide&knots advice to fish near the Eddy. So out went the trusty squids into the eddy then sure enough got some hits.

I caught my first un assisted Jew !!! ( previous Jews were on a charter in Darwin so it don't count).

Took a few photos and let him go. Here is a photo with my new Daiwa Pluton reel. Good way to christen a new rod and reel setup.

10 minutes later My brother in law caught another the same size returned it to grow. Hopefully we get some bigger ones next time.


Edited by Wrongbait
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