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Braid/mono Lines On Reels

Catchin Jack

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Hi Raiders,

Was browsing the Penn website and was checking out some of the reels. They're saying a reel can take X yards of at 30lb mono and X yards of 60lb braid.

I was under the impression that a reel could take 30lb regardless of braid or mono.

So...does this mean my Abu Soron stx70 can take double the breaking strain line if I used braid??

Sorry i'm just a little confused or is it just the Penn reels??



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I believe so, but your reel betta be able to handle the drag and other parts of the reel. I have heard bad stories of guys using heavy braid on TLD's with no backing, and the spool pretty much explodeds under the pressure.

Im sure others will know more about this than me.


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since braid is alot thinner then mono you can fit more braid on it

or if you wanted you can fit a much stronger braid onto the same size reel as its alot thinner then mono

hope that makes sence

but as said above you have to be carefull that the reel and rod can handle the line

when using the line spec from the reel if you fully lock the drag on the reel chances are the line is going to snap soon after

but if you put alot stronger line on the line isnt going to snap like before either your rod or reel will

Edited by Framedtrash
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yeh i know braid is a lot thinner than mono and that i have no issue with, the issue i'm having is putting braid that is 40lb on a reel that says it's 20lb mono, i believe the Soron STX70 is around 12kg of drag yet it can take 40lb braid with ease apparently.



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