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Fishing Under Mooney Mooney Bridge


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Hey everyone,

Last Tuesday went down to old mooney mooney fishing under the bridge there with my old man.

Spent about 6 hours and couldnt catch a thing except for heaps of small taylor, which were alot of fun on plastics.

Under the bridge looks to be perfect bream territory, loads of structure with oysters everywhere, but the only bream i saw was a few really small ones that the guys next to us were pulling in.

If anyone has had any success fishing from the land under mooney mooney bridge then if you could maybe tell me what i was doing wrong.

We were using prawns but nothing went near them, so we used yakka pieces and got the small taylor but that was pretty much it.

if you would be so kind as to share your mooney mooney moments it would be great cheers!

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Mate to be honest with you it can be a pretty good spot

buttt...... its a tricky spot. i use to fish it heaps and i have found if i am on the Gosford side headin to sydney

I fish on the left side of it there is a nice hole there that i have caught bream, flatties and little jews

and if you fish the sydney side i would either fish on kangaroo point or walk down river around 200kms on the rocks. you will find my rock where i took my old mans drill and drilled out rod holders pretty much everywhere lol, that can also be a very good spot. if you try that spot let me know if you find my berlely bucket ''spewing'' first time i used it and i lost it lol

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I was there Monday morning on the Gosford side, Arrived about 4am and started fishing on the run in of the high tide (high tide was like 6:40) and fished til about 9am and didn't catch a thing..

I went with a few mates and used a variety of baits, Hawkesbury prawns, Pilchard fillets and even some beach worms after awhile and other than a few nibbles nada, a guy turned up and was fishing with soft plastics and he had no luck either even throwing unweighted baits in the berley trail netted nothing it was dead!

As we were leaving I had a chat with one of the old guys who was camping there and he said the day before he caught a few nice flounders and a small flatty, both caught directly in front of the giant yellow sign warning of the overhead powerlines, but other than that it was just catfish he caught

My friends fished it the previous 2 Mondays as well, 1st Monday they only had one bite and landed a just legal flatty (caught on prawns directly under the freeway bridge on the gosford side, line was casted out towards the pylon) and then last week the only thing there was catfish and eels by the bucket load

A major word of warning though, I saw a Tiger snake in the long grass by the side of the highway when walking along to get under the bridge so keep your eyes peeled guys! You really don't want to step on one of those buggers! And if you are going to fish land based in areas surrounded by bush or anywhere really along creeks keep in mind there may be snakes about and probably will be!

I'd also suggest you guys be prepared and know how to treat a snakebite if it happens... I carry 2 large elastic bandages (those brown stretchy ones) on me when fishing or walking through bushland in case of snake bite and a black permanent marker or pen etc, and ALWAYS have my mobile phone on me in a ziplock bag

If someone is bitten,

* Mark the fang marks with the texter (circle the wound so the doctors can find it easily)

* Then using the elastic bandage wrap from the bite site UP the leg/arm and then back down, make sure it is tight but not TOO tight as to cut off the circulation because that can cause problems

* Immobilise the limb, you dont want them bending it etc, splint it using your fishing rod or a stick

* and most importantly keep the patient calm, the faster their heart beats the faster the venom pumps through their system, keep them still do not allow them to get up and run off or walk around for the same reason

And I hope while doing this you rang 000

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Mate to be honest with you it can be a pretty good spot

buttt...... its a tricky spot. i use to fish it heaps and i have found if i am on the Gosford side headin to sydney

I fish on the left side of it there is a nice hole there that i have caught bream, flatties and little jews

and if you fish the sydney side i would either fish on kangaroo point or walk down river around 200kms on the rocks. you will find my rock where i took my old mans drill and drilled out rod holders pretty much everywhere lol, that can also be a very good spot. if you try that spot let me know if you find my berlely bucket ''spewing'' first time i used it and i lost it lol

Yeah that 200klm walk can be a killer as well :1prop::1prop::1prop:


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I fish under the bridge every now and then, best success I have ever had there were some just legal bream on windybanks prawns casting out just in front of the first set of piers of the old highway. I also find that if the wind is high under the bridge that everything goes off the bite, even trash fish like catfish and toads wont take bait. Everytime ive sat on the rocky windbreak looking things to the west ive caught nothing regardless of the weather or bait or method etc etc.

Sooner or later I would like to try the eastern side of the north point along the sand/boat channel.

Of course, when I purchase a boat later on this summer I will more than likely be heading down to the rail bridge for some action there.


Regarding the snakes, I was repairing a broken down cherrypicker for Energy Australia along one of the powerline easements that run through the NP not far from there, after crawling out to grab some fittings I noticed a nice 4' death adder crawl out from the other end of the truck. Now they dont call these things Death Adders because they are cuddly. After that I always make sure I at least have a basic FA kit whenever I walk, ride, drive etc into the bush. You never never know......

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