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1st Dolphin Fish Off Sydney


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This is our 1st Post!

We headed out of Botany Bay this morning, trolled to the closest FAD for no fish, so we decided to head out to the Botany Bay Wide FAD. Arrived to find a screaming current from the North, water temperature of 24.2. Trolled past a few times and eventually hooked up a 53cm Dollie. Sea conditions were good and there was little wind. Hopefully this is a good sign of things to come.

Tight Lines

David & Karen

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Good on ya mate - 24 degree water sounds good!

We got a few small dollies last weekend - surely can't be long before the bigger ones show up in numbers or the small ones grow enough to become legals!

Its been a while since i tasted dolphin fish... mmmhhhh :beersmile: can't wait.

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