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Narra Offshore


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Hey All

Havn't made a post for a long time now so I thought it was time to get off &%# and make an effort. Anyhow spent about 3 hours Friday down in Narra Lakes trying to catch some poddies for Saturday. Little buggers never cooperate when you want them too. Caught about a hundred little Bream though. Ha. Anyhow ended up with about 8 after three hours of fighting pelicans, ducks and bream :ranting2: . Into the bait tank for the morning.

Up at about 5am next mornin after packin the car and puttin the Yak on the roof myself and down to Long Reef Golf course. So dropped the Yak on my foot gettin it off the roof OUCH. Into the water. There were about 6 other Kayaks out there with me but I soon was on the reef offsure. Perfect conditions. And this was where all the trouble gettin the poddies last night paid off! Snapper. Didnt he hit hard. :thumbup:

Anyhow caught about ten more but none quite the first ones size so let em go.

Oh and by the by he was delicious!post-7365-1263803451_thumb.jpg

Edited by -Brocky-
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