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1998 35hp Evinrude Pre Mixed Fuel

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Hey Guys,

I am currently pre mixing the fuel in for my engine at 50:1 ratio using XD-50 oil, but it smokes up a fair bit even though i do it correctly.

I was wondering is there any other ratio i would be able to use to cut down the smoke without any harm to the engine? as it does get annoying when you are idling and smoke is coming out. Or can i just put in a little less oil for example, if i have 23L of petrol instead of puting in oil for 23L can i put oil for 22L?

any advice would be great.

thanks in advance


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Hi Dave, if the engine is reaching correct temp at idle that will help and your engine can live on 100:1 if you idle everywhere but of course you do not so not a good idea-also at 100:1 outboards that are put away for a period of time can have issues with internal corrosion.

What I would do is confirm the correct ratio and there are good measure containers for that, make sure the therm is doing its job and then if still bad yes make a bit leaner ratio. Also you could run XD-100 which burns cleaner, the only issue on pre-mix engines is that it needs a good mix before use.



Edited by Huey @ Huett Marine
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hi huey,

thanks for the info it much appreciated. i will get it under control in the next few weeks :)

as for the measuring containers, where would be a good place to puchase one or have a look at them?




I sent you a PM with where I bought mine for a few dollars at a major boating, camping and fishing store... They are a little plastic conatiner with a lid, with all the marks for mixing as required for 100:1, 50:1, 25:1 etc. They make the job a lot easier.



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