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Squid In Jerusalam Bay


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anyone know if squid can be found anywhere near jerusalam bay?

i am staying on a friends yacht and will only have a little tender to go search for them.

i dont need anyone to give up exact locations, just want to know if they are there.

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anyone know if squid can be found anywhere near jerusalam bay?

i am staying on a friends yacht and will only have a little tender to go search for them.

i dont need anyone to give up exact locations, just want to know if they are there.

There are squid galore. I spent first 2 weeks of 2010 on the Hawesbury and squidding was great. Keep close to the shore, try to find a place that is relatively shallow (no more than 5 m). Night time is the best.

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Hi Matt

I gather nearly all my arrow squid from Little Jerusalem bay (just next to the Jerusalem bay up the river) over the drop off kelp beds be for my jewfish session which is your easy reach distance with a tender. I hope this will help.



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