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Fads Off Botany


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Hey guys just curious as i've never been that far out before in my boat im thinking about maybe getting out there some time soon to the sydney east FAD im wanting to get into some dolly's now the previous owner of my boat was from QLD and was told that he used to take it out 50km for shore etc.. catching marlin and stuff however, as ive not been that far out in anything less than a 26ft boat im just wondering if my boat will be suited for it i have a Allycraft 535 5.3mtr runabout with a 70hp yamma its got a wide beam and has a pretty deep vee but im just wondering what you guys might have to say.

from what ive found on DPI website the east sydney fad is only 9km from botany bay.

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Im sure the boat would be capable of going out there.

But you have to be sure that you are capable of going out there.

When you are 9kms off shore and a bad storm comes up it will take you a long time of battering through big waves to get back in, so you and your boat have to be up to that.

I have talked to guys in 4.3 m tinnys with 30 hp that have gone to the shelf :1yikes:

You should probably just work up to it by going a little further offshore every time you go out.

And the most important thing is to make sure you have all the neccesary safety gear!


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yeh ive so far been about 2-3km out in my boat was suprised to see alot of smaller boats out there as well, i do have an EPIRB on board my boat however i think i must invest in a 2way marine radio as well a GR100 just wont cut it in an emergancy

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lol i was kinda freaking out the other day when i seen so many small boats around the 3k mark off shore my boat handled it fine out there thus why i wanna try out the FAD near botany :) i wouldnt mind trying my luck on some Mahi Mahi

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lol i was kinda freaking out the other day when i seen so many small boats around the 3k mark off shore my boat handled it fine out there thus why i wanna try out the FAD near botany :) i wouldnt mind trying my luck on some Mahi Mahi

She'll be sweet buddy. I think some ppl get abit weird with thinking you need huge heavy boats to go anywhere. As long as you pick your days and know the weather and do it smartly your 5.35 will be fine. I've got the same boat with a 75 honda. The only prob with that set-up is it's a little underpowered coming back against a swell but it handles well maybe just get the weight up front. Unless there's a storm offshore, water conditions tend to get better as you move outside. happy fad'ing

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