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Fishing Report, Better Late Than Never.


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First time fishing report,

Hi Raiders, went out to Botany Bay on Monday 01/02/10. Sorry about the late report, fished infront of Sandringham baths 300mts out. 615am to 930am, the tide was running fast but you know the old saying, no run no fun. The bait used was chicken breast in parmasen , skirt stake and old prawns, first cast landed a 32cm snapper. After that 5 bream all about 30cm mark , not bad so far untill the wind picked up and that was the end of it. I'm always amazed that when the wind picks up the fish go off the bite, on the way back to the boat ramp birds were diving around the Brighton area 500mts out. Out comes the 2kg weapon loaded with braid and a 10grm silver bullet. A Mack Tuna smashed it instant and 5 minutes later in the net, beautiful I though bait for next time. A cast later the reel starts to lose line at an alarming rate, with only 150 mtrs of 2kg braid the chase was on. 20 minutes later the familiar green back and yellow tail comes up from the depths , to my suprise the King went 71cm . With a massive smile on my dial another cast into the wind, the lure gets smashed on top of the water with full view of the hit. Again the chase was on , this time a Sambo around the 60cm mark. This happened again , happy with todays effort distination home it was. Sorry , no photos due to camera on the bottom of the Coral Sea at Hamilton Island the week before.

Tight Lines...



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