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Great Day - Mixed Bag Of Stickfaces, Sharks & Surgeons


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After reading all these posts I had enough, I couldn't wait any longer & decided to head out & see what I could hook. As you'll see I have a fantastic day on the water, conditions were beautiful, the sky was slightly overcast but wind was down, it looked like I was going to be in for one great day.

Arriving at the ramp I couldn't believe I had it all to myself, not another sole around. Launching was made easy & I was soon motoring along to the big blue yonder. To my surprise the water did look a little green but once the sounder started giving some great shows of bait I thought I'd give it a try anyway.


Gamefishing solo was never going to be an easy task but thankfully my rig is well setup for this kind of work so I ran a single 50W out the back and it wasn't long before I heard the sound of that big shinny reel singing that magical song. I was onto a reasonable juvenile stick face!

He gave some excellent displays.





He made me work hard for the prize but eventually I tagged him & watched in awe as the magnificent fish swam off to fight another day.

I was stoked. One Stickface solo was enough for me & I thought it was time to try for some sharks. I also wanted to try out my new Game reel.

Setting the burley trail I sat back & enjoyed the day & a well earned rest, but it wasn't long before I saw some fins out the back. Sure enough a nice Hammerhead showed himself & ripped line like there was no tomorrow. Eventually with brute force I manhandled him in close to a shoreline where I could beach him easily & take a few happy snaps before releasing him.


Well and truly satiated with offshore beasts I made the call to head in close & see what other species I could get into, I also swung by and picked up my youngest for a quick bash before Sponge Bob Square Pants started. It wasn't long before this now pro angler had me in awe of his technique & ability to finesse a fish from the snags & cover. We were amazed to find this thing so far from its natural habitat but after what was a tremendous fight I assisted with the net & we had this huge Bucket Mouthed Barra landed.


Naturally this big beast was released, his mother was calling for lunch!

Dropping off the young 'un I remembered the Sawtailed Surgeon fish post & thought they sounded like a good laugh. Being new to these fish I opted for some heavier tackle after reading how well the fight, I certainly didn't expect them to be ticklish though!


I couldn't really think the day could get any better so I headed in, very proud to display the captures to all & sundry back inside the heads. I got quite a few looks & I'm sure I was the only one showing flags today.


I made a quick pass to my crab nets & scored these two beaut spanner crabs.


Getting back to the ramp I had loaded the rig onto its trailer when I heard some commotion from a few anglers further down on the rocks, there were some monster drummer being hauled in so of course I couldn't resist a chance to get into some off the stones.


And so ended a day I won't soon forget, what a mixed bag & what a great day out. I can't wait to do it again soon. Cheers & tight lines everyone.

Boofhead biggrin2.gif

Edited by Boofhead
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Now that is easily the best post I have ever seen on any site.

That was unreal mate, especially like the cameo performances

and cannot believe the willingness of all involved.

That is the utmost for the saying - the family that plays

together... stays together.

I love it. There will be plenty of replies to this - hold onto

your hat and you can expect report of the month prize in the

mail in a few weeks.

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PS.... Any chance off sharing your GPS marks...

Cheers Dogtooth..... 1fishing1.gif John.... beersmile.gif

Sorry mate, this is the real spot X & no bugger is gonna steal these marks..................................I simply couldn't handle having an overcrowded ramp & more fools like me shuting down the fish!biggrin2.gif

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Fantastic work Boofhead. Cracked me up. The flags running off your "outrigger" were a nice touch. Just one question though - did you feel a little weird doing it?

The Poacher.

I'll forgive you given the fact that you don't know me well, for those that do, this IS normal for Boofhead.1prop.gif

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Mik I reckon you should get a short video of that so we can put it up on FishTube smile.gif

Maybe we need to start Funniest Raider Videos biggrin2.gif1Lighten.gif

I can probably win a funniest fishing video comp with any video from my normal fishing trips Donna, don't need to make one up biggrin2.gif

Mind you, I'd certainly be a shoe in if I had McGoose onboard with me.074.gif

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