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Luderick59 & I Hit Wallis Lake


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Hi all

Luderick59/Peter arrived at Forster on Sunday afternoon & we arranged to hit the lake in the yaks on Monday. It's a while since Pete has been in a yak, but he hadn't forgotten how! We were keen to try for some blackies & flatties - and Peter had brought up some superb weed for us to use.

I'd been telling him about the topwater bream action on pencils & as we headed out, i shot a cast over to the weedbeds & a little breambo jumped on board!!


We tried a couple of spots that usually produce, but the tide was at its lowest & I normally do better on the higher tide. So then we went to one of the leases & fished along the edges - where the blackies hide under the washboards & behind all the poles. We were getting lots of hits & downs, but only small ones came in. I could see big ones being very 'territorial', shooing all the other fish away, but the biggies weren't biting! :(


I ducked over to the other side of the main channel to fish in another lease (same lease I fished with Chopper75 the other day) & I could see HUGE blackies under the racks & around poles. Some would have been 50-55cm & about 2kg! As I went along, I was casting my Squidgy Fish between the racks to tempt a flattie & surely enough, one jumped onboard. It went a tad over 50cm


After seeing all the big blackies, I gave Peter a yahoo to come & join me - which he did. Instantly into fish, Peter was having fun.


I caught quite a few small ones before finally getting a couple of just legals, which went into the bag along with the flattie. Peter now had some fish for the BBQ.


We had a great day on the water & Peter had access to a boat from the resort he was staying in so is keen to get out with his mate Bill & give the flatties & bream a shake up as well!!

On the way home, we stopped & cast the pencils over the shallows & Peter had a good 'Bloop' on his first cast! He mastered the yak technique immediately, which shows the calibre of his fishing credentials & attention to detail! He got a couple more bloops, but no hookups. Same with me. I gave him a Stiffy Top Water pencil so that he can continue playing with it up here & when he gets home to Narrabeen Lake again. I reckon the Lake would fire up on the pencils!!

Hopefully we'll be able to hit the water again (or breakwall) for some more blackies, but my buddy from Canberra, Kim, arrives today - we'll be travelling up to SWR on Sat for the kayaking gathering there!! I am also keen to hit the water here with Kim to get her onto some bream as she's had two 'ordinary' sessions here so far. I want this one to be MEMORABLE!!

Cheerio for now


Edited by Roberta
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Great stuff Roberta & Pete! :thumbup:

Nice flattie & a few blackies as well. Some of the blackies living in the leases sound huge! They would be near impossible to stop in that sort of country I reckon.

Well done on a fun session. Glad you didn't fall out of the yak Pete!



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....They would be near impossible to stop in that sort of country I reckon......

You'd be right there, Grant!! We were in a fixed lease (poles every metre) and don't they know where to head when they are hooked! I've actually been towed back to structure by a HUGE blackie, after I'd managed to pedal away from the wall (outside the lease) and he physically towed me back to the washboard & bricked me on an oyster covered pole! He would have been well over 55cm, I reckon! Such power!! Fun trying tho - very exciting for all of 5 seconds!!


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Great to see you and Pete on the water together Roberta.

Those leases look too "dangerous" for me. I can't believe that you actually manage to land fish with all that structure around! Not to mention the light leaders you use! :thumbup:

Some good blackies and a great flattie. Great day on the water! Top photos too! :thumbup:



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Hi all

Luderick59/Peter arrived at Forster on Sunday afternoon & we arranged to hit the lake in the yaks on Monday. It's a while since Pete has been in a yak, but he hadn't forgotten how! We were keen to try for some blackies & flatties - and Peter had brought up some superb weed for us to use.

I'd been telling him about the topwater bream action on pencils & as we headed out, i shot a cast over to the weedbeds & a little breambo jumped on board!!


We tried a couple of spots that usually produce, but the tide was at its lowest & I normally do better on the higher tide. So then we went to one of the leases & fished along the edges - where the blackies hide under the washboards & behind all the poles. We were getting lots of hits & downs, but only small ones came in. I could see big ones being very 'territorial', shooing all the other fish away, but the biggies weren't biting! :(


I ducked over to the other side of the main channel to fish in another lease (same lease I fished with Chopper75 the other day) & I could see HUGE blackies under the racks & around poles. Some would have been 50-55cm & about 2kg! As I went along, I was casting my Squidgy Fish between the racks to tempt a flattie & surely enough, one jumped onboard. It went a tad over 50cm


After seeing all the big blackies, I gave Peter a yahoo to come & join me - which he did. Instantly into fish, Peter was having fun.


I caught quite a few small ones before finally getting a couple of just legals, which went into the bag along with the flattie. Peter now had some fish for the BBQ.


We had a great day on the water & Peter had access to a boat from the resort he was staying in so is keen to get out with his mate Bill & give the flatties & bream a shake up as well!!

On the way home, we stopped & cast the pencils over the shallows & Peter had a good 'Bloop' on his first cast! He mastered the yak technique immediately, which shows the calibre of his fishing credentials & attention to detail! He got a couple more bloops, but no hookups. Same with me. I gave him a Stiffy Top Water pencil so that he can continue playing with it up here & when he gets home to Narrabeen Lake again. I reckon the Lake would fire up on the pencils!!

Hopefully we'll be able to hit the water again (or breakwall) for some more blackies, but my buddy from Canberra, Kim, arrives today - we'll be travelling up to SWR on Sat for the kayaking gathering there!! I am also keen to hit the water here with Kim to get her onto some bream as she's had two 'ordinary' sessions here so far. I want this one to be MEMORABLE!!

Cheerio for now


Hi Roberta

You've done it again!! Sounds like a great session. I've never seen blackies as big as 2 kgs, they must be absolutely gigantic and knowing how hard the smaller ones pull it would a memorable fight especially out of a yak. I look forward to hear of you landing one. Probably need 10 lb leader and still struggle. Glad to hear the topwater breaming is still firing. I must try Narrabeen Lake with poppers.

Kind regards


Hi Roberta

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Congrats Roberta , looks like a great day was had by all ! :thumbup: Really nice sunny day ,your photo's look sweet.

Thanks for that little popper you gave my when I was up at Forster over x-mas , 2 days ago after work we went down the georges and picked up a heap of bream on surface and when it slowed down a bit I tried that little popper and it worked really well probably got 6 or 7 on it until the tiny hook parted way with the lure on a good strike .Best session ive had in the Georges .



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Nice to see you catch up for a fish with Luderick59 again Roberta. I've fished with Peter myself and you certainly couldn't have asked for a better fishermen to fish with in the lake up there or off a beach for that matter. Peter is one of those fishermen who has the knack of knowing where to catch whatever he feels like catching at the time.


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Thanks guys - haven't been able to raise Peter for another go as yet - was hoping to meet up tomorrow morning for another go in the yak .... time will tell!!

Hi Dan

Yes, it is a sweet little lure - lands with a gently plop & really does look like a shrimp/prawn skipping across the surface!! It caught me the only bream I landed in the KFT yak comp in Qld late last year, bringing me in 10th! :1yikes:

I hope the hook parted from the lure & that you still have it & able to replace the hook? It is a very small hook & your bream must have really mauled it!!! Glad to hear it worked so well. I usually have it set up permanently on my 1lb line! :biggrin2: For a giggle!

Well done on the terrific 6/7 you got on it!! Brilliant!!



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hi roberta

thanks for the outing on monday [shame about the blackies]fished out of the boat rest of the week for bream bonito flounder all on chicken gut the bream my mate got was 1kg :1yikes: all fish wwere caught beside the the racks well up the river

used the surface lure you gave me and had heaps of bloops but no hookups as yet exciting fishing :yahoo:

thanks again for your flathead and 2blackies everybody enjoyed them on the bbq

peter :1fishing1:

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hi roberta

thanks for the outing on monday [shame about the blackies]fished out of the boat rest of the week for bream bonito flounder all on chicken gut the bream my mate got was 1kg :1yikes: all fish wwere caught beside the the racks well up the river

used the surface lure you gave me and had heaps of bloops but no hookups as yet exciting fishing :yahoo:

thanks again for your flathead and 2blackies everybody enjoyed them on the bbq

peter :1fishing1:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pete

Glad you got into some good fish after our yak outing! Hope your legs weren't too sunburnt to enjoy the next few days!! :( I always wear long sleeved shirts & long pants for just that reason!

I headed off to SWR on the Sat & fished with Kim in the yaks on the Thurs/Fri ....... will be putting my SWR report up next!!

Cheerio - bet the Mona Vale blackies were on with the full moon tide when you got home!



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