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Kernell And Towra On A Friday Arvo


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Went out again with the apprentice from work again who after the first time i took him out has not left me alone for nearly 2 weeks buggin me to take him out again!

Started off first at kernell to start with and within half an hour i had a trifector of bream 32cm whiting 39cm and a flattie 52cm


Went to Towra to try a few poppers and the apprentice started to complain about there being no fish in such shallow water 3-4ft i told him to be patient and after a few min he landed a 50cm flattie of his own (not in pic) :thumbup: , i started using poppers and after a little getting used to i got 3 hits for 3 lost poppers :1badmood: but the site of a 35cm bream commin half the way out of the water to hit the lure was worth it :biggrin2: i was only using 5lb leader and didnt have anything stronger on me and i didnt want to loose my new pencils in the same fashion so i stuck to the plastics again


Ended up taking 3 bream 2 flatties and one whiting home for the old bloke from work who i bought the boat from and another old bloke from work who was suppose to come out with me but had family things to do

Ended up releasing about 10 other bream that were legal and alot of smaller fish mostley on 3 inch gulps in any colour i chucked at them

Oh thanks to Roberta and Mako for the top water tips and ill make sure next time im out ill deffently bring some heavyer leader :yahoo:

Thanks guys


Edited by Breambucket
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What a great session, there is nothing better than a hot top water bite...what type of fish busted off your poppers? Was it tailor or large flatties?

Haha it was a pretty slow day compaired to a few weeks ago!

Yeah im 100% sure one of the fish who took the poppers was a bream it actually breached and i could see how tall the body was and tail but the others i was not too sure of

Still great fun



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