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Fad's & Dollies


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Hey Fish Raiders...

My mate and myslef have planned a trip to the 23k FAD off Broken Bay on Sunday... This is our first trip and are in

need of some serious advice... I have been reading up and bought skirts and christmas tree lures to troll and have got a two kilo block of pillies being salted... I was wondering if you could help us with information... on where to fish for the dollies, out wide or on the FAD... also if the weather will affect them, e.g thunder storms or rain... and also if it is worth having a jig for some Kingies out there... And one final thing what is the best time of the day to go...

Any advice/help would be much appreciated and would make our post report hopefully filled witha lot more pictures of fish...

Cheers SquidKing Combo

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Hey mate, covering all basis is the key. Get out early, grab some yakkas and head to the fad.

1. Troll a pink chrissy lure past the fad a couple time first up if that doesnt work:

2. set up your drift and float some yakkas straight past the mark. Do this a few times.

3. Throw some plackas at the marker

4. stick the pilie on and float it (unweighted)

5. if none of those work, move on!

Best time is as early as you can get there.

Good Luck man!

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All of the above advice is good and ill just add a little bit to the first post. If all else fails i:

-chop up one or two handfuls of pillies,

-put a whole pillie on 2 hooks unweighted,

-setup a drift past the fad and when you get close you throw half the chopped pillies out (you will often see the fish if they are there),

-then flick the whole pillie out near where you threw the chunks. I often use a baitrunner or free spool to at least let them go a little way (until he has steady momentum) before setting the hook to stop the pillies just getting torn off by enquiries.

-If it doesn't get hit straight away throw the second handful of chunks at your bait.

-If you have tried this for up to 5 drifts and cant get a fish, unhook the mutton bird that has now clued onto what you are doing and just ate your pilchard and move to the next fad.

I usually try to keep a livie in the water most of the time too just in case they change their mind.

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Cheers guys thanks for all the quality advice... I will definatley give every method ago... Now all i have to confirm is that the boat is in full working conition and the skipper is happy to take it out... Thanks again fishraiders... i am hopefully looking forward to posting a thread on all the dollies that we catch (thanks to you)...

Cheers SquidKing Combo

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SquidKing Combo

Watch the temp on the way out if you see a big jump fish mark it and come back. I say come back because the first one to fish the FAD will get the fish they spook quickly. I have done my best at "unofficial" FADS that I just happen upon and temp / current lines while travelling to FADS. Also I tend to moved on quickly if I don't hook up after a couple of passes I am gone to find a better spot. My last pass I troll the lures so they go RIGHT next to the FAD and that results in a undersized fish nearly all of the time. I like to troll rather than bait but I know that limits my success but it is waht I like. IMO Dollies are either interested or not and I spend time looking for interested fish rather than tempt uninterested ones but I know there are other ideas and I am not necessarily right that is just how I do it and it works for me.

Also the Terrigal FAD is only about 6 miles north of there and there is usually some traps at the 40 fathom range on the way out and all the way north to Terrigal if you see any give them a shot.

I am busy this weekend but be there for sure next weekend.


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Most of the dollies iv,e caught have been sitting right on the rope of the fad and caught within 30 meters of the fad . The average size at Forster where 1 grew up were 2 to 6 kilo but my best fish was off terrigal when we came across some pro traps and we did a couple close passes for nothing then circled out wider when I got slammed on a small Pakula , after a good fight I bagged a 20 kg Dolphin . So I now always start trolling about 500m from the fad now and work may way in closer . Have a photo of this fish , it was about 5 years ago and is a hard copy . I'll scan it and put it up on the brag board soon , im 6'1 and its almost as long as me , a big bull . So you could give that a try .


P.s If you hook one up have another rod ready with a bait or plastic on it as they often will chase the hooked fish up to the boat and you just drop your lure \ bait stright down their throat .

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