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Sydney Harbour 9-3-10 Squid And Bonito


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Finally managed to get the boat out on Tuesday after a long spell and a few false starts :biggrin2:

Planned to get a few squid for Kingy baits and have a bit of a troll for some bonito that have been around.

Managed a few small squid in front of middle head.

Headed towards north head for a troll and a look, wind picked up a bit mid morning so headed around to Bluefish picked up a Frigate and a Bonny on the way.

No Joy at Bluefish so shot across to south head. :thumbdown:

Dropped down a couple of fresh gars about 40cm long, to have them mauled by some rather large squid.

Dropped a couple of squid jigs down on a patternoster rig and had instant results.

Bobbed around for a while hoping to entice a king but no joy :thumbdown:

Decided to head for home on a slow troll, Bonito and frigates everywhere.:thumbup:

Had to stop trolling or we would not have got home.

All in al a great fun day :yahoo:

With a feed to take home at the endpost-6647-126835036619_thumb.jpg

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Nice squid, :thumbup:

I think your Frigate is actualy a Mack Tuna judging by the spots below the pectoral

fins, either that or my Macks that I caught on Tuesday were frigates.


Yes I believe you are correct, they were Macks not frigates

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