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Avoca Today With Tan The Fisherman

Ray R

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Hiya Raiders, today I met up with Tan for a fish around the rocks, we met at the carpark and after an exchange of pleasentries we headed around to the ledge. So there we are on a perfect morning got ourselves rigged up for an early spin and didn't take long before the horsies started coming in, I snared a few that were quickly bled and into a bucket of nice salty water, Tan was having a good time spinning and just admiring the beautiful sunrise, some poor buggers had to go to work today, but we were here to fish and enjoy what the rocks could offer. After a spin session I decided to take a walk 100m or so away and have a bottom bash, found some small reddies, one of which just tickled the 30cm mark but I put him back anyway, a small flattie also took a liking to the bonnies pieces. Tan was busy searching for a bream or whatever close in and managed a couple of rock cod type things. So although the action was not hot It was nice just being there with a new found friend. Tan had to go around midday so I prepared him some beautiful fresh bonnie fillets that I know he and his family will enjoy. So after a top morning we said our goodbyes and I stayed on for a bit longer hoping for the larger model reddie, he didn't come along instead I scored a bloody banjo shark, so I tuned him up and sent him back. Another couple of hories came in but they went back in and after an exhausting day I decided to go home and have a beer..

So that was the day, Tan you're a great bloke and I enjoyed my time with you, hope we can do it again....

Another spectacular sunrise


Tan the man


Small reddie, right species wrong size


Lord Tan admiring the view


Some fresh bonnie fillets


Tuning my banjo (LOL)


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It's great to see so many Raiders catching up for a fish together of late :thumbup: That sunrise is amazing. What a back drop to wetting a line. Amazing photos as always Ray. Well done to all concerned on a fun session from the rocks :1fishing1:



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Thank you Ray for hosting me today in your backyard - you're lucky bloke.

Its a perfect spot to fish in the right conditions. I had a great time - didnt catch what I wanted to but thats fishing!! At least Im consistent eh!

Ray caught four bonnies in the first 1.5hrs and two kings were caught by other along with countless bonnies.

I'll be back up there real soon mate.

Thanks again


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It's a bit cruel reminding us that we were working, Ray :(

Fantastic photos from a beaut sounding session. Any chance I could get a high res copy of the sunrise pic... definitely one for my wallpaper folder if you don't mind. Send me a pm if I haven't already given you my e-mail address.

Cheers, Slinky

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Thanks for the invite Tan, sorry I couldn't make it but it looks like you had a great day anyway.

Great read Ray, and good to see you catching up with so many Raiders. In my opinion, you have won the 'Raider Spirit Award' :074:

What a cracker of a morning.


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haha lucky you Ray :P love that last pic of your new banjo maybe when i come up you can play a tune on it haha

btw last sunday i hooked up on a 48cm bonny was you were walking back but unfortunatly that was all :(

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Love the SUNRISE pic, Ray - that would win any competition!!! Hmmm ..... maybe we should have a sunrise pic comp?? No prizes - just best one voted for by members!!??

Sounds like a good time out with a buddy, fishing - what could be better than that?? Glad you enjoyed your time with Ray, Tan - bet you cant wait for the next session already!

Love the Banjo ..... hope they haven't got a sting in their tail!


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Great stuff Ray, you ought to open up a drop in centre for Raiders.

Sorry I couldn't make it there myself Thursday but finished late Wednesday night due to St Pats day and slept most of the day haha, will get down there soon.



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