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Hacking Fad


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Hey raiders braved the wind and swell yesterday and headed out to the hacking fad only to be very very pissed off at a boat full of spear fishers aroud the fad is this even leagal it was a pain in the ass to go out all that way and you cant even get close to the fad i waited an hour till they letf and all the dollies were spooked i got the boat rego to ..anyway i went for a troll for a beak and found some traps so out come the livies and i had a nice bbq last nite of a 85 and 90n cm dollie and thanks for the slimies help guys.i didnt get pics because the swell was at about 2m and didnt want to go looking in the cabin wand take my eyes off the white caps oh and hi to the fellow raider i seen on the way back what a top site

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i was south about 2 miles from the fad and at about 80 fathoms . There is a blue boy that stands out then lots of little boys just under the serface. all yakkas mate i seen some slimies but they didnt want a bar of the bait jigg .

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Good work on the dollies - you'll hate to hear this but it is legal for the hohoho's to be around the fads so i guess its just luck of the draw, at least you got some fish for a consolation, mind you so you should for braving a 2m swell :puke: you wouldn't catch me out there

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