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1St Time On The Bay


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Left home @ 0315 this morning and shot around to pick up my younger brother who i've been meaning to take out since i bought the boat. (He even went out and bought a new rod reel combo yesterday thats how keen he has become)

After a quick stop at the local tackle shop to buy fresh bait (I DONT THINK SO, as i saw him defrosting it into a sink out back) near there, we got to Kyeemagh ramp (off Mutch Street), and we were on the water by 0430, heading towards the runways to meet up with friends who got there 30mins before hand.

Found a spot i thought was good (in between Molineaux Point and the Nth-Sth runway and going off the sounder) so i deployed the anchor and began setting up.

Lines out and it wasnt long before the first flattie came up. At 24cm he went back to grow, then my brothers new rod got christened... Little baby Bream so back he went too..

Started to make myself a coffee and my line started peeling at a good rate... Tailor i thought, but was unsure. It would run, then stop, then run then stop..As i was only using my Okuma 6'6" 2-5kg rod with 8lb, 10lb leader i was in no rush. After a good 4 or so mins i saw a flash if silver, and i thought "Could this be???" Scrambled for the net and within another min i had landed my first Jewie :yahoo: it went 52cm. A couple of "Yeah Babys" and a qick pic, i layed her back in the water to and gave he a gentle nudge and watched her vanish into the depths..

Not the best pick but thats what ya get when you turn towards the camera after watching another rod...LOL

Not big, but was happy i landed one.. Sat in my chair and light up a bunger (smoke) finshed my coffee while my adrenalin drained.. wasn't long after that that my brother was on..Told him to take him time and helped him adjust his drag whilst fighting the fish and seemed another good fighter...Up comes another flash of silver i quickly scoop it up and BANG... number 2!!! this one going 50cm... WHAT A START TO THE DAY !!! (this one also released after a pic) we hung around for another 30mins but the planes gave me the "Heebie Jeebies" so we headed out towards the heads..

Got to the heads and decided to play the sitting duck, not anchoring, but burelying up a plenty... drop out a full pillie on the bigger rod and used the Okuma with prawns. Was about 20mins before the first bite and i bring in a Snapper. 28cm to the fork, but since i forgot to buy ice, back in the drink he went, then for the next 15 mins every cast we done broght up another snapper biggest being 38cm to the fork oh and the brother landed a flattie about 15cm long :074:

I looked over at him and noticed the silence, then the bigger rod goes off... Bonnie...in the esky he goes for bait another day (filled it with water), re bait, drop the line, and on again... ended up with 4 in total biggest being 51cm.

By this time the brother was green and when i asked him was he feeling sick he replied with "Nah i'm ok" i said to hime"is it a bit rough??" he said "Yeah, can we go back in where its smoother for a while"... Lines up and Zo0o000o0m back towards the runway.. LOL

Fished around a few more spots until 1130 and decided we were happy with what we caught.

Headed back to the ramp and were home by 1300 (Poor bugger had soccer match @1530... wonder if he was ok??) Dropped himm off and went home to wash down and salt up the bonnies.

WHAT A GREAT day I had with my brother to catch a Jewie each, and a great mixed bag, i'm sure its a day i'll remeber for a long time.

Will add more pics once i get his camera as mine died :mad3:



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