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Yarra Bay 2/10

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Hey Raiders,

Hoped to throw a few soft plastics into Yarra Bay at La Perouse this morning, but on my arrival the strong southerly doused that plan. Put on the biggest blade I had (a switchblade 1/4 in mango ripple) and tried without any luck for about 20 minutes and kept getting weed on the blade. Saw there were three boats all positioned down in the corner near the breakwall so trekked down there to try my luck off the cement. Wasn't really sure what I might be targetting so kept the blade on and about 15 minutes in got a nice 'whizz' happening from the reel as the lure got swallowed by something. The fish put in about four really good runs, fantastic fun on my light gear, before I got it in - a nice 42cm bonito, first one I've caught. Hope the rest of you have some luck over Easter.


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Well done, for making good from not ideal condition. Great to be rewarded for your persistence with a first.

I also hope that your weekend keeps on getting better.

Edited by CrashLee
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The wind was a real problem for me too and looks to be the case for the next couple of days too!

Congratulations on your bonito catch. Would have been fun on your light gear.

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