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You Can Teach An Old Dog New Tricks

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Hey guys

Headed out to botany with old Charlie from work he's about to retire in couple of months and after seeing some of the fish i have been catching recently and tasting a few 2 :biggrin2: he was keen to learn how to use SP's and blades so he could chase fish in all the spare time he will have.

It was a great morning light winds a little overcast perfect conditions. first we tried in between dolls point and the bridge and second cast i landed a nice flattie (45cm)on a zx30.

I started Charlie off on a blade so he could get used to the action after a little while he got the hang of it and landed his first fish a small reddie :thumbup:


He was pretty happy and we spend the next hour catching more small reddies and a few just undersized bream, i changed to a 2inch jigging grub and almost instantly hooked up to something big! I couldn't call it but after around 7 min i bought a big trevally boat side which im pretty sure would of went around 55cm (as i landed a 42cm fish later in the day and it was a much bigger fish) but the hooked pulled when charlie accidentally missed the fish and hit the leader line and off he went :( but i would of released the fish anyways so i wasn't to worried but Charlie felt so bad i had to convince him it was alright

We tried off Brighton for no action then headed to Towra where we found a few fish landing 2 nice bream 27-29cm a heap of trevally and charlie landed his first keeper on lures a flattie that went 39cm


The action was as not as good as previous weeks and other than a few wankers on jet ski's and a boat that cut right in front of us and took off with charlies line and nearly him and the rod too :ranting2: it was a great day and he was as pleased as punch

Total tally Charlie the one flattie and me 2 bream a flattie and trev but he will get better in weeks to come and i have a new friday arvo partner when daylight saving arrives :)


cheers guys


Edited by Breambucket
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hey pete,good onya for taking a old timer out & teaching him how to use blades & plastics.sounds like you guys had a good day on the water.if your ever looking for some1 to fish with mate,im keen so shoot a pm my way if you need company.

cheers johnny.

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Good Work Pete,

Showing People New Techniques is always good and Very Rewarding and well done Charlie,

I was always a old School Fisho but have recently gotten into plastics they are real fun and its so rewarding when you do catch something....

Good On you Guys :thumbup:



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Thanks guys for the replys!

All week so far he has been talking about how good it was and places we should try next! :thumbup:

He taught me how to go blackfishing and places to go and he knows a hell of alot about fishing in general and i suppose its true that you do learn something new every day

Fisherdoi....... ill keep that in mind see how im going in a few weeks

Cheers guys


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Great to hear that you've managed to give back to someone who taught you a few things in your younger days. Got the same reaction when I introduced my dad to SP fishing too. Re-ignited his fishing passion with new tackle and techniques.

How's the bay fishing at the moment now that it's a little cooler?

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Great to hear that you've managed to give back to someone who taught you a few things in your younger days. Got the same reaction when I introduced my dad to SP fishing too. Re-ignited his fishing passion with new tackle and techniques.

How's the bay fishing at the moment now that it's a little cooler?

Thanks mate!

There has not been a day this week that hasnt said to me about other places to try or different methods to try as well so he is really hooked now :thumbup:

Well i think its slowing a little so i think i got to start moving around a little more

There seamed to be plenty of small to 30cm bream but not the usual size so maybe they have moved up river to spawn or something? they were aggressive at times with 2 or 3 other fish following the hooked one but at other times they were real finicky

In all honesty i have only been using SP's successfully for around 6 months so i have not fished that much in winter so i suppose it is goin to be a new learning curve for me.

I do know that there will always be plenty of trevally around and hopefully larger sizes too



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