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My New Toy


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What a great feeling , your first boat , look after it well mate and you should have some great times in it . I just sold my first boat and it was a hard thing to do , the memories , so many fish and so many trips away with mates . Make sure you have plenty of rope with a sand anchor and a reef pick so if the motor does have a bad day you can at least anchor up and try to sort it out or hold position while waiting for help . hopefully that dosn't happen and your biggest problem is getting back home before the :wife: gets the shits because you have been out all day catching fish,

enjoy mate .


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Congratulations Nathan. I hope you have calm seas, faultless performance and a swag of hungry fish for your maiden trip, mate. I'm sure many a trophy fish will grace the floor of the boat in years to come! :thumbup:



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you develop a routine after a while, i find it's good to have "put the bungs in" at least twice. my sister says she checks before they leave home but I check it as soon as we arrive at the ramp, before i take the tiedown off i put the bungs in. then it's the last thing i check before we put it in the water.

biggest tip is don't rush. as soon as you go too quick for your brain to keep up you forget something. boating should be relaxing!!

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