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Jew And Sharks Feeding Together


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i took this pic about 3 weeks ago[it's taken me that long to work out how to post pics]

i was using a paternoser rig with 2 dropers fishing the run out tide in the hawks using cofin bay squid from gofishpete[best frozen squid you can get]

there we little jew everywere but to my surprise[thinking i may have a legal jew]i pulled in these two on the one out fit

cherrs gary


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Yeah, it happens alot Gary.

Many times off the beach we would get small hammers & whalers & also get jew.

I remember one time a couple of mates of mine in a boat very close to my fave jew beach were pulling in small hammer after small hammer & after about 40 of the bloody things the skipper hooks another, hands the rod to his mate, & after a good fight his mate pulls up a 60lb jew. True story. I know the boys well & it made the local paper on the Central Coast.

So yes. If the bait source is there small sharks, jew, big tailor & salmon will feed in the same area as well as bottom feeders like bream, snapper & flatties cleaning up the scraps.



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You are more likely to hook into School Sharks and Jew at the same place on the same night.

Bull Sharks and Jew's DONT mix at all cause they both have simimilar feeding habits and feed on the same fodder.

I was out Last saturday night and nailed a 12kg School Shark, next cast hooked and lost a 15kegger+ jew that ripped 250m of line in 2 squirts and gee it had some acceleration! and severed my 80lb leader with 3 mightly headshakes and that was the only way I could tell it was a Jew- sharks dont normally headshake from my experience in the suds

Not the first time its happened either- but it shows the Jew are there and encouraging to see.

Thanks for the insight on the Hammer's though- I never seen Jew and Hammers in co-habitation before... there is always a first for everything.

Tight lines

Edited by wannabefisho
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