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Tuncurry Fishing With Mrs Flightmanager & Dusky!

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Hi all

Busy weekend for me this weekend!! Luderick Luke yesterday for 8hrs on the water & today, I spent the day with Cath & Rex! What a delightful couple. Cath had even very kindly run to the newsagent next door & bought me the latest FIshing Monthly, when I was eagerly devouring all the info in their copy!! Obviously, I hadn't found it yet in the shops! Many thanks for that - I will read it from cover to cover, then read it again! It has pics of the last 2 bream comps in Forster - the ABT Yak Rouned & the Megabucks round! You should see the bream caught in the Megabucks! It is HUGE!

Rex hadn't played with sps before & was keen to get fish or 2 - so I reckoned my old flattie favourite 'Squidgy Fish' in 'Silver Fox' would work ...... the lake is full of mullet just now!! He also brought some gulp shrimp & Atomic shrimp - which should also work on any given day ..... but it was the Silver Fox squidgys that caught the fish today!

He took to the yak like a duck to water!! Zooming around at will!


He did better than me on the fish front - catching 3 flatties, the biggest going about 30cm, maybe bigger! Funnily enough, today we were in the area where all the paddlers came in to land before doing the final leg run - and we had to move my ute, as it was at the ramp they were going to use!! :1yikes: Now, that WASN'T in the newspapers (unlike yesterday's bum steer!)

It has been ages since I've fished for flatties & so we just stayed in Ohma's Bay, out of the current. Next time they come up, we can venture out of the bay and across to the flats & play where the big boys/girls live!!

Rex's 2nd flattie - not a monster, but he caught 3 more than me!! All I could catch today were small tailor! :(


And how is this for a top idea with smelly old gulps?? Whack them in a ziplock bag! That'll fix the leakage problem! (Or at least contain it!)


Cath was fishing from shore (using one of my small reels to show her how light it was compared to the heavier reel on her rod) and using light braid for the first time ......... with some casts catching 'tree fish' as it went further & higher than she was used to! :1prop: I caught some weed fish & rock fish! :074:

The 3 musketeers at the end of a fun day together!


At the Great Lakes Caravan Park (which backs onto Ohma Bay & give you immediate access to some top flats & oyster lease fishing .....) there was also a 'putt-putt' gathering!! 12 putt-putts were there, the oldest one was from the 1930s, lovingly restored! The youngest one (shown below) was 6 years old. I just love the sound of the putt-putts!


Cath & Rex may even hire a tinny & give the Forster Flats a go tomorrow, before heading home again! Keith & I will be packing up, ready to leave for Byron Bay on Tues. He competes in his last triathlon for the season next weekend, then we hightail it back to

Forster for me to prepare for the ABT Yak Grand Final on May 15th & 16th. I may as well be away, as there is a prefish ban on competitors from tomorrow thru to Thurs 13th, then we can do a prefish on the 14th!!

Cheerio for now


We've also come up with a cunning idea for storing our jig heads in an orderly manner!! Will work on it & post it up when I do it! :biggrin2:

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Welldone Guys,

sounds like you had lots of fun today.

Roberta, you will need a good massage after today. Your bum and back msut be killing after all that yaking.

It is very kind of you to show people your fishing spots in Forster and I'm sure there are many that are grateful fot it.

Hope you have fun in Byron.

Are you taking your yak?



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Thanks Luke - I am a bit tired, but slept like a baby last night! Hmmm, I am pondering whether to take the yak - probably not this time - seeing as we are not continuing up to Qld to visit family & a few bass dams! :biggrin2: Got a good reason to come back early! ;)

Surprisingly, the back & bum are fine!! I have one of the 'cushion seats' as well as the hobie seat, plus one on the back as well! They both really help!

HOpe you had a good day with Tristan today, too!! (Will check for your report!) At least I didn't have to drive to & from Forster yesterday as well as the big fish!! :1yikes:



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Sounds like a great trip out, Always fun with other people :)

Have you fished the flats around the near the keys ? You turn right as you go leave Ohma Bay and go up for abit and turn left than paddle up a little further and there on the left ? I dont think i put that to well :074: I tried there afew times and got some nice flatties on the drop off of the sand bank

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Hey Cut Loose - the Keys if hours away by kayak!! But I do fish the are that you mentioned!! Some VERY good flatties there. Didn't want to go into the main channel, given that it was Rex's first day in the yak!! Next time we can just go up Taree St & put in at the top & paddle across.



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Hey Cut Loose - the Keys if hours away by kayak!! But I do fish the are that you mentioned!! Some VERY good flatties there. Didn't want to go into the main channel, given that it was Rex's first day in the yak!! Next time we can just go up Taree St & put in at the top & paddle across.



Great day out Roberta - MANY THANKS to you for your time & coaching. I had a BLAST! :yahoo:

As for my back I shaped up pretty well the next day with only a light twinge in my shoulder. :05:

thats what you get for a miss spent youth. :074:

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