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Sunday Session


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Hey all, Went on Charter. On our way out past browns mountain we stoped for a jig over 12 mile, the leatehrjackets were thick! 4 out of 5 of us lost jigs on our first drop, however unusually one of the boys hauled in a Baracouta... Then that was it.. we set the outriggers with skirts and trawlled all the way out past browns...

We couldnt believe how calm the ocean was and the lack of bird and marine life apart from a small pod of pilot wales... After trawling around for the pest part of 4 hours, we spotted a bosun bird hovering over what looked like a school of bait... We quickly spun the boat around to check it out, and it turned out to be a school of 6-8kg Yellow Fin Tuna. This resulted in the most Kaos ive seen on a boat in a long time!... lol It ended up being a Quad hook up.

other than that we trolled around for the next 4 or so hours resulting in two baby friggate macrells which we decided to tow for about an hour around browns withoust as much of a strike....

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other than that we trolled around for the next 4 or so hours resulting in two baby friggate macrells which we decided to tow for about an hour around browns withoust as much of a strike....

that wasn't at browns that was around the 12mile

there was alot of bait on the surface so we had hopes of running into a beakie

we put out some small bait jigs and caught the frigates we then pulled in the spread and bridled up the frigates and sent them out for a snack for a nice beakie

sadly we didn't run one

was a great day on the water

only problem is now i want a bigger boat

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