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Fishing The Bay Wednesday

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Hey guys went for a mid week session with my brother in law after finally moving up to Sydney and having some time off

Started at woolooware bay and things were slow after only a few missed hits and after a couple of location changes we finally found some fish. Most were legal size and a couple going around 30cm but they were hitting the blades i have made like steam trains!

Here is one with my home made blade in its gob :biggrin2:


The tide stopped so we headed out into the main channel and landed 2 keeper whiting and 2 nice sized flatties within 20 min then it went off again.

I have seen a few reports about the cooks river and the northern side of the bay and have never really fished it so headed that way. We didn't have much luck and i dont know any spots around there at all but it was still interesting to see some of the structure around those parts. Other than a trevally of around 36cm and a few small trumpiter i think we wasted prime time that we could of spent in the southern side of the bay and got caught up in the heavy winds and rain which made things a little uncomfortable and hairy at times but we were alright.

Back into woolooware and the wind was still strong which made it really difficult to control the drift and i dont have an electric bow mount yet but still managed to pull up this nice bream which again smashed a plastic ment for a flattie but its a very welcomed by-catch :thumbup:


All in all it was a nice day and released all bream just keeping 3 flatties and 2 whiting for beer battered fillets that night :beersmile:

Oh and i landed this nice flattie that went 62cm on sunday. i didnt have the time all week to post a report so ill chuck it in here


Cheers guys


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Good stuff Pete. Have you been experimenting with color schemes on your blades, and if so, have you found a particular pattern that is working? Keep the reports coming mate. It is great to read about someone consistently getting into fish on their own home-made lures! :thumbup:



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Thanks for the replys guys!

The southern side is defiently more diverse and a prettier place to fish thats for sure!


I have not had too much chance to play with different colours just stuck to natural looking darker colours which seem to be working in the areas i have been fishing, Black with a little orange on the belly is deffently the best so far.

Oh and keep a look out in the mail in the next few days too mate :biggrin2:


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