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Nepean Bass, Woolooware Flatties

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Hi guys

Fished the Nepean friday arvo for a couple of house to try out some new things

Bass is one species that i have never done really good with and last time i went out with my brother inlaw he out fished me 7-1 :1yikes: and he started off in good fashion again landing this nice fish befor i even had the chance to rig up!


I finally got the hang of using spinner baits and we spent the next 1.5 hours catching a heap of smallish bass from 17-25cm which was great fun, last cast of the day and finally i have something to brag about! all of the other fish we have caught have been small or a fighted dirty and dug them self into weed so it was just like pulling a kicking snag in but this one had a few very strong runs and put up a great fight i was Amazed



Needless to say after that fish we hung around for about another half and pulled another 3 or so fish in each then called it quits


Convinced my old man to come out into the bay with me to try target some of the big bream that has been around towra recently. Normally the old man is keen to fish but the weather look threatening all day and we compromised by staying in woolooware so we were close to the ramp if things started to get nasty

We landed alot of just under flatties a fewe smaller bream to start off with then found a few in the shallower areas, we ended up keeping 3 flatties and one bream for a family feed and released maybe 2 or 3 flatties just on size (37cm)

The old man lost a nice flattie maybe low to mid 60's and i should of set him up on 8lb compaired to the 4lb i was using but i thought he would of got alot more hits on the lighter stuff which he did so he was not that worried in the end :thumbup:

Only spent around 3 or so hours out there and got soaked!

All fish caught on plastics as i left all my blades in my room the night befor :ranting2:

Oh guys if you like your berkleys try out the new ghost shrimp they work pretty well :)





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Guest rzep

Well done Pete,

Looks like you had two good days fishing there :)

You are right about the bass they can be great fighters.

Well done...

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Pete - you had a great weekend of fishing :biggrin2: and those Bass look fantastic. I must try the Nepean later this year.....I mainly fish the impoundments in the Hunter Valley for my Bass. I am looking forward to fishing for Bass in October.

Glad to see Woolooware is still fishing OK, like you I did not venture into Botany Bay over the weekend but concentrated on the Georges River in order to find some shelter from the wind on Saturday.

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Nice post Pete, your head looks fine in this one!! LOL.

Spinner baits, that gold coloured leaf thingy always looks like something my auntie would have decorated!!!

Looks like you guys had fun as usual. :yahoo:

Now about about to play big bass fishing 2 on wii . Thanks for the inspiration!!!

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