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Another Government Movement


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guys, just a quick one, i know this is not a fishing report, but may affect our fishing report section in time.

In todays daily telegraph i read this below, from guess who, yes you are right ... Peter Garrett. Now who ever elects him back in should shoot themselves.

Not only is this another movement by his party, if you all watched 60minutes or a current affair (cant remember which 0ne) along these coast lines where they are proposing this new maritime park, is close to where they have found gas under the water level, and are talking about building a great big foundry to extract the gas. AND they are worried about a proposed maritime park to conserve the areas, from the ENVIRONMENT minister. Maybe he hasnt seen what BP have done in the USA coastal waters. I know this is not oil, but still the foundries would be operated by a power source, whether it is fuel or carbon and that is another environmental issue.

Anyhow, read up on it and be ready for another petition.



Edited by stacer560
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Heard Peter Garrett is getting a band together again.

Slight change of name though:


Releasing their new single:


He has nothing else to do after the last debacle

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Dont these people think they have done enough......Around port stephens were have already been forced to fish the desert and to make it bigger is ridiculous....

Families and small businesses are the biggest sufferers of these marine parks....they are over the top....review bag and size limits and ban commercial fishing in these area before thinking about making people think twice about buying a boat or taking the family fishing....

just bullshit i say

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I am adding my reply as should every other fisher on this site. We can forward this link to those idiots that call themselves "leaders" to have a look at.

We all know its stupid. We all know its pointless.

Hey greenies out there, what do you say about this?

- Do fish stay in the one spot all year round? No, oh forgot that did you?

- Do the fish under the most commercial pressure such as tuna recieve any sort of protection in these proposed areas? No, they roam the ocean currents and end up getting hammered by the international longline fleet. Maybe you should grap some snorkels and try to convince the fish to stay in your safe zone

- Does every fish get brutally slaughtered by the recreational fisher? NO! I for one keep about 10% of my catch and it is the same with most other recreational fishermen

- Finally, fishers pay tax. Probably more tax than you greenies who spend all day bloody protesting instead of working. We also have to pay for our recreational licences. Why is your opinion more valid than ours? Its not! So get off your high horse.

These proposed sanctuary's are a joke. Unless I am re-imbersed I will continue to fish.

Who knows, I may just do some scientific research of my own! Stupid Labour Government......

Edited by fishmaniac
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Maybe each area should have a recreational fishing group that applies for a grant to conduct research. We can get government money to go fishing and publish our catch statistics.

Seems to work for the green tree-huggers who come up with these ideas!

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