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Catching Garfish (Lures)


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I was wondering if anyone knows any methods to catch garfish on some sort of lure, anything from a store bought lure to a homemade lure. I'm very keen on catching them on lures because I've grown quite tired of getting them on bait alone (too easy at times). Also as most would know baiting up when the school of fish is on the bite is quite annoying and time consuming.

There was a little fly-like lure which I made, which consisted of a small size 9-12 hook, attach a small bunch of cotton ball and snell that all together. The cotton is supposed to imitate bread pieces from the bread berley. I've hardly had any hits on it but when they do hit it results in no hook up because the gars would simply be nibbling at the fine hairs of the cotton then swim off... Another problem is, cotton being fine is really good, but it isn't white enough (white like bread). In fact cotton soaked in water becomes more grey and see-thru (very unlike bread).

Can anyone think of an alternative to cotton balls (something soft fluffy and will remain pure white like "white bread" in water?

I've caught trevally, tarwhine and bream on this lure. Had quite a few hits from garfish, blackfish and mullet but no hookup.

Does anyone else know any other possible lures or a way to catch gars without bait? I've read on another Aussie website someone using attaching a thin piece of velcro (soft fluffy side) on to the end of your line. I haven't had a chance to test this out.

I'd love to hear people's stories of weird and interesting ways to catch these little gars with such puny mouths.


Edited by zephi
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I've had a couple of sessions in the tropics where I've caught stacks of big Sea Gars on fly... like being connected to a micro-sailfish. Great fun.

If you got small enough bait jig lures, it should work with the smaller southern estuary style gars.

Cheers, Slinky

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my method for catching gars involves both bait and lures...

I tie on a surface lure (popper or minow etc) then tire a 1 foot 2lb leader to a tiny green hook which i put a bit of bread and tuna oil on. the lure attracts them and gives a good swimming motion to the bait.

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......I've caught stacks of big Sea Gars on fly... like being connected to a micro-sailfish. Great fun.

Cheers, Slinky

:Funny-Post: micro sailfish caught on a reel of cotton would describe Garfish really well :thumbup:

Zephi Peter aka Luderick59 uses long pieces of cotton wool as a streamer which when fed around his hooks also holds bread bait together very well in the washes :thumbup:


jewgaffer :1fishing1:

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Seems to me like most of the methods to catch garfish actually involve using bait.

Yeah Sabiki rig for sure works, although it doesn't work as great as it does on pillies...

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Seems to me like most of the methods to catch garfish actually involve using bait.

Yeah Sabiki rig for sure works, although it doesn't work as great as it does on pillies...

why use lures if bait works? whats with the lures with gar??

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why use lures if bait works? whats with the lures with gar??

2 main reasons..

First, there are times when garfish are being brought in one after the other and gets sorta boring fast. Lure is a challenge and it's a great accomplishment to catch one of them.

Secondly, there are days when I want to catch them fast (to use the gars as bait), and re-baiting each hook takes up a lot of time.. probably 1/2 of the time fishing for garfish is re-baiting.

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry Sam but a small metal lure will NEVER catch a gar. :wacko:

Never have & never will unless you jag them.



Not true Grant. I sometimes fish a spot in the Hacking where the sand flats are covered in a couple of foot of water and run off into a hole that is about six foot deep. I burley with bread and flick lures across the hole. The idea is generally to catch a couple of smelly pike for bait and occasionally tailor. I use metals and poppers. One of the metals is a very small metal job painted white.

On more than one occasion I have landed Garfish on the lure. Maybe it is the white lure in amongst the bread.

Obviously not the prefered method but it has happened.


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Not true Grant. I sometimes fish a spot in the Hacking where the sand flats are covered in a couple of foot of water and run off into a hole that is about six foot deep. I burley with bread and flick lures across the hole. The idea is generally to catch a couple of smelly pike for bait and occasionally tailor. I use metals and poppers. One of the metals is a very small metal job painted white.

On more than one occasion I have landed Garfish on the lure. Maybe it is the white lure in amongst the bread.

Obviously not the prefered method but it has happened.


Fair enough Dave! Never say never I suppose. :1yikes:

I don't believe you would catch a load on a metal though.



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