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Hi Raiders,

Was just browsing the NSW Maritime website and was reading THIS PAGE.

I read part of it and read "Most flares have a use-by date of three years and they should be replaced before the expiry date. Once they start to look damaged, dispose of them properly"

I then got onto "flare disposal" and began reading and read this "Flares expire after three years. After this time, there is no guarantee they will fire when needed. Flares must be replaced before they expire and old flares"

So anyway I sent off an email to Maritime just to clarify what I read as to me the first part to me means you can have expired flares and it isn't compulsory to replace them when expired as long as they don't "look damaged"

But under "flare disposal" it is telling me you must have flares in date which to me is kind of strange as it's under disposing of them not what you must have on your boat.

I have in date flares but the site, to me, is telling me two different things, please correct me if i'm wrong or reading it wrong or reading between the lines haha.

The word that gets me is "should" be replaced, not "must" be replaced in first paragraph, it only states MUST in "disposal of flares".

Maybe i'm still tired from weekend and brain isn't working haha.




Great, it's not just me reading it wrong then.

I'm eagerly waiting for the reply from Maritime on this because how can they fine someone for having expired flares with the website saying what it does.




Poor wording for a government department! they should simply put that flares need to be replaced every 3 years, make it a lot easier to understand.

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