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Darlington Point

Mick K

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G'day Raiders,

A mate and I thought we would escape the rat race in Sydney over the long weekend and headed to the Murranbidgee River near Darlington Point to try to catch a few crays. We found a lovely beach out in the forest and proceeded to rig up the pots and get them in the water. Once done, we thought we would soak a few baits around some likely looking snags. We were using yabbies, worms, bardi grubs and cheese. After a couple of hours with one check of the pots for nothing we found a slightly deeper hole behind a fallen tree and started fishing again. Within 5 minutes I had a strong bite on the rod with the cheese bait and after a very short fight a nice 80cm Marray Cod was lifted into the boat.

We caught three more Cod over the weekend and all but one on cheese!!!. The River is very shallow with most of it less than 90cm, the deeper gutters on the outside of the bends were only 2m but this is where the fish were.

We ddn't catch any crays - they hadn't had a decent frost at that stage so the crays just weren't about. A good weekend alround despite the long drive back to Sydney on Mornday evening.


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I used to live out there at the Point years ago.. and if you can find the holes your in with a chance ..i also always used to have at least one rod with cheese as bait, and it was usualy the one to go off :thumbup:

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Beaut cod mate! :thumbup: Cheese has been a popular bait for several years now, often out-fishing bardies, yabbies, or shrimp. Nice to see the better cod making an appearance again. congrats :thumbup:



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