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Wild Weather


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Come on Slinky

Who are you kidding.

That's a photoshop of ya toy boats in ya bathtub after eating a Indian vindaloo (with banana accompaniments of course).

All fishraiders note the last photo, you can even see the wave washing against the side of the bathtub. Also evidenced in several other photo's No's 7,8 and 9, just look at the pretend horizon point.

Slinky I must say however the details on your toy boats is excellent to say the least.


Trapper Tom

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Can't help to point out, if its off the coast of Newfoundland, that means they are Canadian...which re-enforces the fact that we have more "balls than brains." That, or we would go to many lengths to get our catch. :biggrin2:

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Can't help to point out, if its off the coast of Newfoundland, that means they are Canadian...which re-enforces the fact that we have more "balls than brains." That, or we would go to many lengths to get our catch. :biggrin2:

Ive seen that footage on utube i thought it was Iceland sumwhere. Either way i love watching video of boats in heavy weather, especially the pilot boats in category 7+ storms with 4-8m seas. They look invincible! Thats the sort of thing u wanna be in offshore!


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Come on Slinky

Who are you kidding.

That's a photoshop of ya toy boats in ya bathtub after eating a Indian vindaloo (with banana accompaniments of course).

All fishraiders note the last photo, you can even see the wave washing against the side of the bathtub. Also evidenced in several other photo's No's 7,8 and 9, just look at the pretend horizon point.

Slinky I must say however the details on your toy boats is excellent to say the least.


Trapper Tom

Slinky must have a friggin big bathtub to get all them albatross in.

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