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Mona Vale Saturday


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Hey raiders this saturday coming me and a mate from work are heading down to mona vale beach in the areas you can see in the photo, we'll be getting there around 3am, depending the weather will depend what area we fish hopefully it's calm so we can get a drift out off the rocks there, maybe we'll stumble on some kings or somethin who knows..

i've never really fished for salmon before, i have caught them by accident ha ha ha so just askin anyfrom from the area or whatever what baits should we stock up with.. we'll have a couple of LBG rods out just in case the man in the grey suit shows up for some real fun but yeah fella's i know the area fairly well but i don't do much "normal" fishing.. so anythin would be of help...

cheers in advance fella's

mona vale.bmp

Edited by brettmann
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