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Hi Fellow Raiders

Fishbones(Mike),McFishn(Andrew) and myself went out on Sunday 27th to the Peak to jig for Kings. I should have known better as the forecast from the BOM was for 20-25knots SW. We had a late start ~9am, as we launched from Burraneer Bay. The conditions were difficult but Andrew got this King jigging. Only one jig lost to jackets.


Regards Kit


It was very trying conditions out there Kit, still good to get out with you guys.Hopefully better conditions next time and we get on to some more fish.

Cheers Mike


nice work guys

that is a angry looking king

what size and weight was it

It went 75cm, it looks bigger in the photo as the cameraman aka fishbones got Andrew to position the fish at its best camera angle using his camera phone.

Regards Kit

ps it was sashimied for dinner that day


It went 75cm, it looks bigger in the photo as the cameraman aka fishbones got Andrew to position the fish at its best camera angle using his camera phone.

Regards Kit

ps it was sashimied for dinner that day

haha trust me i no all the tricks to making fish look bigger on camera :)

the fingers around the tail are a dead give away for size tho

i need to get out there


haha thanks guys for the trip out even though i was hungover and the conditions werent the best i was keen as mustard to get out there and get my mc jiggn on :biggrin2: hpoe u enjoyed your sushimi thanks again kit i'll be headn back out there sundy if the weather looks better, :thumbup:

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