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Guest rzep

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I have spent the great part of the day doing chores on the boat and fishing tackle and got to wondering how many cans of INOX would you use per year.

Now I use this for a lot of applications and I would say that I have just finished about my 4th can today.

And it got me wondering how many do you use? if any :D

Maybe I have a problem :wacko:

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I was using Inox for a little while and i to used to use a truck load of it till i found a product call LANOTEC, this stuff is great!

Its a spray and it sets hard on any surface after a couple of minutes, completly waterproof and lasts alot longer then Inox.

There is a heavy duty Lanotec available which i think is up around 50% lanolin, may be a little more expensive but lasts alot longer than any anti-corrosive products i have ever used.

Give it a try boy's, dont think you will be disapointed.


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Guys- getting a list compiled on the uses of this product would be great.

Enlighten us.

Twin 1

They are are basically anti-corrosive sparys. They can be used on just about any surface to prevent corrosion occurring, all the above mentioned are non-conductive so there excellent to use on electic connections in your boat or 4WD to.

Different sparys have different purposes, Inox is a great product and also can be used as light lubrication. Lanotec is more of an Industrial Strength Spray Grease and being a spray it penetrates into hard to reach places, can be used on chains, bearings,bolts and leaf springs on your tailer. When you coat something with lanotec it will actually set like grease in few minutes, providing an excellent barrier from saltwater and oxygen.

I used to spray down my trailer with the stuff at the start of each season and in 10 years never replaced one corroded part on my tralier, The leaf springs were starting to show a little surface rust but when i sold it recently they still had years of life left in them.

Plenty of info available on the internet on all 3 products mentioned Twin 1.


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For me it's Lanox for the boat, and some German made oil spray for the reels, can't remember the name of it.

I used Inox for years until I've found Lanox, I think the Lanolin in it is greasy and bonds better with metal.

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I use about 3 big cans a year I did use Wd before and one can use to do, but I did notice that the inox is a tad more wastefull when applying it on your gear etc... good product though and somehow prefer it!! but can't explain why lol


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lanox for me as the name says its lanolin based ,inox is petroleum based and evaperates alot quicker espesially were heat is near by like engines brakes etc the lanolin protects from salt so my trailer gets a good can every 6months and outboard just loves it so much it eats a can a year also :biggrin2:

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