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Claytons Report- Friday Arvo/evening


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Well it was Friday arvo and I was amped to be going Sharking with Brett (brettmann).

After getting all my gear ready (loaded TLD25 onto my game rod) and fixed up my Jew rod, and defrosted my bait, it was time to get packing.

I briefly packed the car with my Bream rods (just in case) and was inside taking a phone call and doing stuff on th web (as you do on Friday arvo's)

I went back to get the rest of my gear packed into the car, and presto- my bait was pinched from my bucket :huh::angry: - OK... I just need to get more bait.

But wait there's more...

After collecting some pillies and other assortments I went to Gladesville to meet Brett

Unloading the car, TLD OK, Jew rod OK... Bream gear- where in hell is my Bream gear :unsure: ... Quick search... 1 rod out of 3 was present that I had sworn I packed into the car. :thumbdown:

Sanity check told me I definitely packed them into the car, I never leave without them.

Walked down and there was a massive slick of Tuna Oil from brett berleying up, this looks promising.

Deployed first slab on the Jew gear and immediately started getting hits, but no hookups

Brett had the balloon with a meaty slab of Striped Tuna out yonder and we waited... and waited... wand waited...

Chucked out my only Bream rod which I despise really its a boat rod designed for Taylor and Salmon.

Ended up midnight no touches on the game rods, bream gear remained untouched despite trying fresh mullet, pillies and sand worms and even chicken strips

Got home and checked again next morning, the bream rods were in fact GONE- as in stolen from my car!

So to top of the weekend I am now short 2 good bream rods and reels worth over $200- each :1badmood::bash::ranting2:

So, overall my weekend was totally crap, I had my 2 favourite combo's pinched from my car and we go donuts on the water even with copious amounts of berley.

My only salvation is my tax cheque due soon I can replace the goods that were stolen, but not @ a greater cost coz I will also upgrade @ the same time.

I hope everyone else's weekend was more productive then mine



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Yes you will have some upgrades but it would still be good to have your gear. I would be leaving a trap for them and I would catch them and fix them up good and proper if it was me. I HATE THIEFS. Bad luck on the bull shark also. I thoought that may happen as they travel a lot. I think you may need a few trips before you guys get one.


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