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Just wondering how pittwater's fishing at the moment cuz i was thinking of hiring a boat and doing some trolling around stokes point and taylors point. are there any other good bait fishing spots at the moment around there or mackerel beach??? where can you hire a boat around careel bay or palmy. :1fishing1:

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I haven't fished Pittwater for quite a while but I have never had any trouble getting livies from around the pill boxes.

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You can hire boats on the pittwater side of palm beach, just north of the ferry that goes to the basin and mackeral beach, and also further up - go to the north side of the golf course, there's a cafe and a boat hire place there. Don't count on these places having any bait though, I've found the freezer empty or with very old bait only.

For livies, pill boxes is the go, but I don't think the rental places let you go out there, as the 6Hp motors would get you into trouble if the weather comes up or if there is a swell. They want you to stay south of mackeral beach. Try instead the north-west shore of careel bay - much less productive though.

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I was fishing at the Stokes Point last Saturday from 7:00am - noon.

Relatively quiet day with 10+ catches only - most of them were undersized tailors and snappers.

Significant catches then were 30cm flounder (around 8:00am) and 52cm flattie (around 11:00am) and

During the 5 hours, there was no action at all for nearly two hours...

Lucky to catch good sized flattie at the end, otherwise, it would have been a disasterous day.

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I was fishing at the Stokes Point last Saturday from 7:00am - noon.

Relatively quiet day with 10+ catches only - most of them were undersized tailors and snappers.

Significant catches then were 30cm flounder (around 8:00am) and 52cm flattie (around 11:00am) and

During the 5 hours, there was no action at all for nearly two hours...

Lucky to catch good sized flattie at the end, otherwise, it would have been a disasterous day.

What Bait were u using???

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I headed out early today, and hit a favourite point up the system from cottage point, where I've picked up some solid tailor on livies previously. Got there with no livies today, as there were none at the regular livie spot.

After a bit of burley, the sounder was showing a fair bit of fish activity, but none were hitting the old pillies. On a whim I sent down my yakka rig with bits of pillie on the hooks.

Sure enough, up come a few normal sized yakkas, and then this Super Yakka! 38cm! I remembered that some raiders had claimed they are great eating, so I'll find out tonight.

The yakkas all disappeared at the high tide mark.

No other signs of fish at all apart from spotting a flathead take-off when I drifted over a very shallow sand-flat at high tide.

The water is extremely clear.


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when trolling pittwater for tailor, salmon and bonito what lures should you use? i seem to always get either nothing or something i dont want. like a jacket. any suggestions????

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