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Lowrance Mark-5X Pro Or Humminbird 718X


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Hi All,

Im looking at purchasing either the Lowrance Mark-5X Pro or Humminbird 718X, they are both around the same price so i was wondering if anyone has either of these 2 and what there like?

The Lowrance has a higher resolution i think but the humminbird has GPS capatability (which i probably wont use anyway), from what i have seen the Humminbird seems to have better features when looking at the description but i have heard good things about the Lowrance Mark-5X Pro. Im not fishing in deep waters, just the hawkesbury, botany etc..

Any reviews would be greatly appreciated, hopefully one of these will help me catch fish. :074:


Edited by defyet
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Hi Defyet

I also spent plenty of time reading and thinking over the same question you have. I decided two weeks ago to go with not the 5x pro but just the 5x as my mate also had one of these and does all that i need and with the money i saved went towards my electric which i got this week. This choice was also due to budget so if i had more funds available i prob would have gone for the pro and also got a bow mount electric. Good luck with your choice.

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Hi, we sell both and both are good units for the price, but a question like this will always be like Ford Vs Holden. If you have narrowed it down to those two and you do not want the GPS capabilities of the HB than I would buy the Lowrance. What I would do though personally is if the budget can stretch a few more hundred I would buy the HB 728 whihc is a better screen than both of theses and much more powerful to get deeper/better returns.

PM me if you would like the Raider price on any of these.



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