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Hydrofoils On Out Boards Se Sport 300


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For what its worth Squid, I have a Permatrim on my 140 Suzi. It is awesome and completely changed the way my boat behaved. It planes at much lower RPM (speed) and is quicker onto the plane. It also chews less juice now as I don't have to work the engine so hard. I did lose 2-3 mph off my top speed which isn't really an issue for me. I would highly recommend the Permi if you want better planing and balance.

I have heard nothing but bad tales about those hydrofoil jobbies....

Edited by Cephalopod
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I note with interest that 3 of all the replies to this topic where there were unusual issues with a fitted foil were relating to a Haines hull. Haines make a very good boat but it's possible their designs do not accomodate any extra lift devices, whereas other brands can benefit from a foil being fitted. I would hazard a guess that ally boats would probably benefit more as they are lighter than glass and usually allow smaller motors to be fitted because of the less weight involved.

I do know that my current boat ( ally) and the 2 previous boats were dramatically improved with the fitment of foils. In saying that, there are foils and there are foils. I fitted a Stingray to my current boat when I fitted the new motor 6 mths ago (recommended by the dealer), and frankly, it was a piece of shit - did absolutely nothing except produce more drag and cav during turns. Changed to an SE300 ( which I've had before)and bingo! - perfect.

Only one man's experience folks.

Cheers, Russ.

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I've got a hydrafoil on my 150hp yamaha fitted to a 6m centre console. It planes really easily and flattens well. It is also very stable in the water but unfortunatley I can't compare what it would be like without it because I got it fitted with the engine when I bought the hull. For all I know the boat may perform just as well without it.

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We have a SE300 on our Quintrex 4.75 runabout. It came with the boat and has provided no instability or other dramas. Planes easily with 5 on board and my wife drives it with confidence either in the estuaries or in offshore swell and lumpy seas. Like Eddie, I don't know how the boat would go without it. It does seem more suited to aluminium boats, though, judging by the previous posts. I wonder why?

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We have a SE300 on our Quintrex 4.75 runabout. It came with the boat and has provided no instability or other dramas. Planes easily with 5 on board and my wife drives it with confidence either in the estuaries or in offshore swell and lumpy seas. Like Eddie, I don't know how the boat would go without it. It does seem more suited to aluminium boats, though, judging by the previous posts. I wonder why?

i think is more to do with the hull shape...and deep V hulls. On my haines it was a complete nightmare and just dangerous, but fitting a foil on a tinny is probably fine because it can only roll so much. The design of the foil would need to be considered too.

i would be interested to hear from owners of Deep V glass hulls who havn't had issues


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I tried out the SE Sport 300 on my 50 Suzuki. Definitly got the wobbles (porposiing) all sortted out and on the placne much more efficient. I turned with ease and it glided through the corner rather than dig in. I must admit, i didnt do any hard steering but I rather stay in the boat. I did lose three knots at topend however which was different.

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