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Pittwater And Palmy On 22.08.10


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Gday Raiders,

Went out for a session yesterday leaving Pittwater just at sun up. We went to West Head and grabbed a bucketload of yakkas then headed to the beach side of Palmy Headland and picked up a couple of monster squid. Dropped crab traps near Palmy as well and ended with a couple of decent sized Blue Swimmers....but they were egg filled females :-(

Took the yakkas out to a few spots around Mona but got nothing. Just one of those days i guess. Jackets EVERYWHERE!

Squid seem to be good size and in decent numbers so get out and have a crack!

Until next time

Tight Lines


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gday mate

pretty sure i saw you on the rocks fishing off the stones at palmy

i was fishing with my mate in my little blue boat with the dual down-riggers on it

we anchored up pretty close to the rocks

apart from some big squid and a few port jacksons it was pretty dead

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