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Wagonga Inlet Narooma

Goodoo Man

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This is my first ever starting topic post hope it works LOL

Off to Narooma Friday for a 4-5 day stint. Has anyone had any success down that way over the past week or so. I only have a boat that can handle inside I hear the water is still too cold around 16 degrees.

Id even be keen to chase Sambos off the Tilba beach and new down thre??

Went to Blowering Dam at Tumut yesterday done a few hours night trolling nuthin on the sounder and no strikes but the dam is at its highest in a long time maybe 17 years and it looks amazing!!!!!

Appreciate any replies.

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Cant help you with whats happening at Narooma but :1welcomeani: to Fishraider Goodoo man


Blood Knot

Thanks Blood Knot ...at least I know it worked!!

I'll start posting a few trips over november /december for freshwater in wagga just have to learn how to attach photos they have all been too big so far in size ...maybe I should catch smaller fish

Edited by Goodoo Man
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